At the door

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Y/N's pov:

It's been two months, actually let me rephrase that, it's been two very long months without Will.

Sure we FaceTimed and texted but it wasn't the same as him being here and talking to me, kissing me, cuddling me.

We are on the phone right now he said he can't facetime since he's in his hotel with his cast mates and it's laggy.

"No I'm telling you if they don't like chocolate then they need help so take them to a doctor or something!"

Will just laughs at my statement "I can't without them trying to kill me"

"Well if they kill you just know I won't turn up at your funeral" I smirk at my smartass comment even though I know I would turn up.

"Ummm, why, I would!"

"I know I would too it was a joke"

Will fakes a laugh "well good otherwise I would have made your funeral soon and not turn up"

"Oh are tryna take my comments now are we?" I ask in a angry tone "don't try it, it won't work"

"Yeah, yeah whatever anyway I ordered you something"

"Aww, that's nice what is it?"

"Not telling nothing"

"Ugh, of course you won't"

Will laughs "well it's at the door right now"

"What!" I say surprised "Now?" I ask.

"Yes now!" He says laughing "now go"

I head to the door still on the phone "alright"

"I'm gonna go now" Will says.

"No, no don't go"

"I am Y/N"

"No, no don't you dare press that button, Will- do- no, no don't you e-" I'm cut of my by the sound of the end of the call.

"That boy seriously why did I even get with him!" I mumble "out right cause of that that's why I did"

I head to the door still mumbling about Will being annoying but I can't be mad at him cause well one he's hot, two he's nice and I love him.

I open the door and go to look down at the door matt to pick up a box of something but when I look down I see shoes and not by its self, with someone's feet in it.

And I know who loves those Nike shoes and never stops wearing them.

I know them too well to be true.

I feel my heart speed up cause I know that those shoes aren't supposed to be on my door matt for another month, but yet here it is.

I don't look up for a few seconds since I'm shocked by just knowing that their shoes are there and not by the thought of themselves there.

I slowly look up as if i was to look up I would be dead within seconds well I am mentally.

The face I see is so innocent and smiling that smile I've died to see in months and would have given anything to see at least for a minute in person.

I take a gulp of saliva that's built up in m mouth from not moving it.

"Hey princess"

I'm just frozen to the spot amd my face is not smiling it's shocked like I've seen someone who's dead.

I put my hands to my mouth and let go of a bug breath I didn't know I was locking up inside.


"That's me princess"

Before my brain can process what my body is doing I've jumped onto Will wrapping my arms around his neck hugging it to me like if he was far from me he'd disappear and I wrap my legs around his waist and I bury my head into his neck.

I hear Will let out a chuckle "surprise" he says hugging me as close as I was trying to.

After ten minutes of just staying out the front like that with my head buried in his neck and his arms wrapped around me I pull my head up and look at him.

"You asshole!" I say slapping him but then putting my arms back around his neck to stop myself from falling back.

"What was that for?"

"That's for not telling me and leaving me for months and not telling me you were coming!" I say angrily but then i feel my facial features soften cause I can't be angry at him for wanting to surprise me since I've done it before to him.

"Well I'm sorry" he says moving one arm away from around my waist and moving his hand to my face and I feel him wipe away something cold from my face and then I realize I'm crying so I try and quickly wipe away the tears before I can lose it even more cause I hate crying.

"Sorry" I whisper.

"Hey it's ok" he whisper back "it's ok to cry cause well the hot man just has arrived back so it's understandable" he says smugly.

"Shut up before I slap you agian"

"And why would you do that?" He asks smirking.

"Well you scared the jibies out of me, you lied to me and told me you were with your friends and you got my hopes up that you ordered me those shoes I want, you made me sad, you called an-"

I'm cut off by Will smashing his lips on mine and I'm taken aback a bit but then I close my eyes and ease into it.

After all the time I have gone without this is torture and now that it's here and back again I want to make it last forever, but everyone has to breathe to stay alive and as much as I would love to die kissing him, I wouldn't want that to happen just yet.

Soon enough I pull away for air and Will rests his forehead against mine and stays like that for a little bit, every now and then pecking my lips.

"It's getting cold let's go inside now" Will says placing me on the ground and grabbing my and hand lacing his fingers through mine then leading the way inside closing the door behind him.

The thing I've been dieing for to be home is home but I don't know why I feel like I wish it wasn't.

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