What happened to the wanting

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Y/N's pov:

What's happened?

I'm siting on the lounge just thinking, really hard.

I was so desperate for him to get home and now that he's home I feel, well I don't how to say it.

Reluctant, loath, refractory.

Those words pop into my head.

But it can't be them it's should instead be ache, covet, desiderata, yearn.

But it's not.

How? Bigger question, why?

"Y/N?" I hear a groggy voice call from behind me.

Shit, Will.

"Hey!" I say trying my best to act normal which should be easier said then done since I'm an actor, but this is more trying to hide my feelings than act like their not there.

"What are you doing?" Will asks sitting next to me.

"Nothing just, thinking" I say as I go to take a sip of my coffee.

"Cool" Will replies taking my coffee out of my hands before I can take a sip.

"Hey!" I say looking at him angrily with my hands still in the position of them wrapped around a mug.

"Hey!" He says back waving at me as he take a sip of my coffee.

I snatch it back put of his hands "get your own" I say pouting and going to take a sip of my coffee but looking around the mug and stroking it as if it got hurt "it's ok, mummy's here, she ain't gonna let this coffee thief steal you" I say glaring at Will.

"Its not stealing if it's your girlfriend's coffee who lives in you house and uses the mug that I bought" he says grabbing my mug after I took a sip and places it on the table and then grabbing my waist and pulling me against him so I'm lying on him.

"Hey!" I say pouting "what about my coffee?" I ask acting sad.

"Oh it'll be fine, I won't be if I don't get my mother fucking cuddles" he says kissing my head and then grabbing me and hugging me hard.

"Oh really,I had to go months without cuddles" I say.

"Yeah but you had my shirts on and they had my colong on it"

"Wait!" I am so confused right now "how the fucking duck hell did you know?" I ask.

Will chuckles "oh Willie billy knows everything, and I also knew you would want my shirts so I double sprayed my colong on it" he says smugly.

I sigh now knowing that Will knows me too well to know what I do when he's not here.

"I also know you went through your old stuff and mine" he says trying not to laugh and I can almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"How the fuckity fucking duck hell did you know!" I say "You didn't place camera's in the room did you, fucking asshole stalker"

Will just laughs again "No, there no camera's, I just know you well enough to know that you like going through memories of people or your stuff when someones gone"

"Well, there goes all of my privacy!" I say sighing.

Will laughs yet again "yeah there it goes" he says pointing at the front door being a smartass.

"I know that!" I say in a idiot mocking tone then I just sigh and lie my head back down and move around so I'm facing him and I wrap one arm around his waist and the other under my head and my arm and head on his chest and I feel him put his arms around my waist bringing me closer and he entangles his legs with mind on purpose like we usually do when we are cuddling like this.

If only things weren't so complicated we'd be able to be like this all day.

But as much as my heart wants to me lay like this not thinking about the complicated things about why I feel different to him now, my brain has other plans and those plans aren't going to help me relax.

I lie there going back forth between a million answer to the main question, but all of it's just tiring me out.

Soon enough my eyes start to get heavy so I stop thinking and just focus to Will's heart beating and his hand calmly going through my hair so lightly almost not touching my scalp as if I'm too precious for him to touch to hard, his fingers softly and lightly going through the knots that formed when I was sleeping tugging on them to detangle them.

If only if I knew what he was feeling and thinking right now, my thoughts would be a lot less tangled.

Soon enough my eyes fall shut from Will doing what he usually does to make me sleep right before I was going to stop him doing it so won't fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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