Chapter Seventeen

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HEYYY everyone. I have actually been wanting to update for a while but so much has come up and certain situations happened and yeah. But it's here now. Oh and just a heads up, there's gonna be some minor violence in this chapter? A little at the end.

You stand at his door for a minute, trying to mentally prepare yourself. You can do this, Chloe. You got this. No hesitation. Just do it. You take a deep breath and knock, heart thudding in your chest.

'Simon?' you call out.

'One second.' comes the reply. 

It makes sense to tell him. He's the only one who knows she cheated, right? That she used him? So he must have some idea of who she really is. Better than the rest of the clueless Sidemen, anyway. He will understand. If anyone is going to believe me, it's him. So this is it. I'm going to tell him. Everything. All of it. And then-

Your thoughts are cut off by the door swinging open in front of you. You momentarily forget what you were going to say as you look at Simon's appearance. His hair is slightly ruffled and messy like he's just woken up. He's wearing sweatpants and a baggy shirt which look like he just casually threw them on. And he looks cute.

'What is it?' he asks, snapping you back to reality. You realize you still haven't said anything and have just been standing here staring at him for like 30 seconds.

You swallow thickly, suddenly your throat feels dry and it's like your stomach has a knot that's tightening by every second that passes. You can barely look at him and instead stare down at his black sneakers, trying to think of how or where to start.

Here goes nothing.

'Simon... I-' you begin to trail out, but you are cut off by a voice.

'Who's that?' it calls out. A female voice. From inside the room.

Oh my god. Oh, god no.

'It's just Chloe.' Simon replies casually, looking over his shoulder. You can see the scowl appear on her face as she moves closer to where you are both stood.

Why is she here? What is she doing? You want to yell it out, but you can't.

'Hey, don't get the wrong idea.' Simon laughs at the look on your face. 'I was taking a nap and she just came in here.'

'Ready to go?' she says in that sickeningly sweet voice of hers. And then she wraps her arm around him. You want to throw up. Simon doesn't seem to mind though.

'Oh yeah, we were about to leave for dinner.' he says. 'We're going out to eat.'

The only thing you can mumble out is 'Y-you and her?'

'Well, yeah. And the rest of the Sidemen too, obviously.' he laughs. 'It's not like a date or anything.'

Amanda's stupid smile falls from her face and you would smirk if you could think clearly right now. But you can't help feeling a twinge of sadness. It's the first time they'd be going to the restaurant with her. It was always just you and the guys. She's going to be there too.

'You coming?' Simon questions.

Amanda speaks up right away before you even get the chance to open your mouth. 'I think she's busy. She's probably got other plans.' 

You just stand frozen to the spot, unable to say anything as she shoots you a look. 

She ruined everything. I was finally gonna tell someone. I was going to explain everything him, but of course she had to show up here. She had to get in the way, like always. This is so unfair.

'Chloe?' Simon asks, poking you lightly. 'I'm going to go get my jacket, let me know if you're coming.' With that, he heads out of the door leaving you alone with her.

This thought makes you finally react, finally move from standing still. You turn around, about to shout his name and follow after him, when you feel a hand cover your mouth and an arm snake around your waist.

It's different to when Harry and Vikk have done that, soft and gentle, trying to keep you warm or safe. With her it's harsh, as she yanks you backwards roughly. You try to scream out but it's muffled and she digs her nails into your skin as a warning. You gather up all of your strength to struggle out of her grip but it's useless, she has a firm hold on you.

With swift movements, she lifts one foot forward and kicks the door closed. You push against her but it's still no use. She shoves you to the ground, making you land on your back with a small cry. You immediately try to get to your feet, but she pins you down with her sneaker pressed to your chest, pinning you down.

'Don't. Say. Anything.' she hisses out, and you realize that you can't really protest at this moment. And you have no idea what she will do.

'You think I don't realize what you were planning?' she growls. 'You don't think I knew, huh?

She leans forward, grabbing your wrist and harshly pulling you to your feet. You try to move away, but she doesn't let go - her grip just tightens.

With her other hand, she takes hold of your arm and twists the skin painfully, making you cry out.

'Consider this a warning.' she laughs, and it's a cruel, nasty laugh - different to Simon's warm and adorable one earlier. No joy and friendliness behind it - nothing but cold hatred and angry loathing. 

'I won't be so nice next time.' she whispers before skipping out of the room. You don't move after her, feeling too numb and stunned to think properly.  

Instead you look down at the damage she caused, noticing that there is a large and dark purple bruise slowly forming on your arm.


YO SO I FOUND OUT THIS HIT 7K. OHMYGOSH. THANK YOU GUYS, THAT'S CRAZY! I am super super tired. How are you all? is your life going okay? I'm sorry if this was a little short. And sorry about my updates being slow and random. That's like my life. Random and unpredictable and messy.

Not spoiling much, but everything with Amanda is going to end soon - one way or another. :) :) I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you so so much for all the votes and comments and views.  I love you guys. ~ MBR x

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