Chapter Eighteen

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Omg, I can't believe I'm writing Chapter Eighteen hahaha. I've come so far with this. And I'm now on 9k reads, and 300 votes, which is honestly amazing. Thank you so much everyone for voting and commenting and even just reading. Someone recently commented for the first time after silently reading it for so long, I just wanted to say don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you think k? Or tell me who you ship Chloe with. Feel free to tell me stuff about you too. ^_^ I'm currently listening to 'Mirrors' by Justin Timberlake while writing this. Random fact for you. I really love the bit that's like 'Yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery' though isn't that something from Kung Fu Panda? hahaha XD XD I'm writing this all on my phone so it takes much longer, sorry if there's any mistakes. This was a long A/N and I got kinda off track but anyways on with the story :3


After standing there dazedly for a few moments, you finally come to your senses and slowly walk out of Simon's room. You have no idea what you're going to do, no plan, nothing - all you know is that you need to find someone and end all of this, NOW.

You creep out into the hallway, finding the house deadly silent. Eerily silent. There's not a sound from anywhere. That's odd. We really hadn't been in Simon's room that long. Not long enough for everyone to have gone out already without me. Unless..

You shake your head and continue down the stairs, listening out for voices. You stop walking, silencing your footsteps to hear better, but.... nothing.

There seems to be no one in the house. No one.

So my instincts were right... They didn't wait for me. On purpose. They all left already. They purposely left me behind.. I didn't actually believe they would be that mean... I didn't think they would actually do this to me..

But where is Amanda? She was with me for at least five minutes, I think. Surely she didn't have time to leave with them before me?

You let out a long sigh, heading towards the front door, unsure what you're going to do. You stop when you look out of the window and see something strange. All of the cars are still here? They didn't leave?

You swing the door open, and that's when you can finally hear the voices in the distance. It's coming from around the back of the house, in the back garden. So that's where everyone is. You can only make out a few words of what they're saying, catching small parts of the conversation.

'Let me- I'm...' Female voice. Amanda.

You can hear other voices calling out, different people talking now. You have no idea what the conversation is about, but they sound... angry?

'... suffered.. long..'

'We heard.... never- ...happened.'

'Don't- Chloe.... nothing...' They're talking about me?

You follow the direction of the voices, which are growing louder as you move closer. You press yourself flat against the wall, peering out from around the corner. You're met with the sight of all of the Sidemen... surrounding Amanda? What surprises you most of all, is that Simon has a strong grip on her arm as she's trying to get away.

None of them have seen you yet, as you've been silent and stealthy so far. Mental highfive for the sneaky and sly Chloe. You lean out further to get a closer look at Amanda's face. She looks panicked, extremely uncomfortable under the harsh glares that everyone is giving her. You almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

'I- I'm telling the truth, I swear.' she stutters out, still trying to tug her arm away from Simon's. 'I tried to talk to her, so many times. I kept calling and calling her phone but she wouldn't answer.'

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