Chapter Thirteen

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When you hear nothing but silence in the house telling you that everyone is asleep, you crawl out of bed and walk towards the balcony. You slide open the doors and step out into the cold night air, looking over the city. The lights are so pretty, and everything is quiet here. It's like the whole universe is just... still. And silent. You lean against the edge and let out a long sigh, a million thoughts running through your mind:

It's been two days. What to do? 

I really, really don't want to get into an argument with people. That's the last thing I want. I came here to get away from all the stupid things at home and just have a good summer with friends for once. No drama. And all of this would destroy that. Maybe I should just stand back and watch her plan fail, so she can finally leave. And it would be over.

But am I really going to let her boss me around? I can't just hide away and do nothing. I can't let her do whatever she wants to me. But she's clearly a great actress. Nobody knows the real her, no one knows who she really is. Nobody knows what she did. Except maybe... Simon. But he's useless right now.

I tried to talk to him, I tried to tell him what happened. I really did. But I can never get him alone. She's always there by his side, clinging onto him. It's impossible to catch him alone. Just when I almost did, she would always interrupt somehow. Every single damn time. And the saddest part is, he doesn't even seem to mind. He's noticed and he just doesn't care. Maybe her plan is working after all, maybe he really is falling for her again. 

That thought hurts my heart somehow, and I don't even know why.


The next morning when you wake up, the first thing you do is walk to the bathroom. You stare in the mirror and sigh at your reflection. Your hair is a mess, there are dark circles under your eyes and your skin just generally looks pale. You haven't been sleeping well lately with everything on your mind.

You take a brush and neaten your messy hair as best you can. You rummage through the drawers and put on makeup to hide the circles. And just for good measure, you put on some foundation to add colour to your skin. (Just a little bit though, you don't wanna be a Jaffa cake or a crayon.) There. No one can see unless they look really hard.

You walk into the living room where everyone's watching a football match and internally retch as you see Simon and her together on the couch. You can't help but notice that they're so close to each other. To anyone who didn't know them, they really would look like a couple. Ignoring them as much as possible, you move to sit next to Tobi who's completely absorbed in his phone.

'Oh, there you are.' Simon says as you sit down. 'We were waiting for you.' Amanda frowns at this and shoots you a dirty look but you just roll your eyes. Bite me. You turn away towards Tobi, not wanting to see her anymore. Why does no one ever see these things? Well, everyone's busy watching the football match anyway. So whatever. Wait, where's Josh?

'You coming or not, Chloe?' Josh's voice calls from the kitchen suddenly. Oh.

'Where?' you shout back.

'Today's the day we get food, remember?' Vikk points out.

Oh, right. The weekly shopping trip. With everything that's going on, you completely forgot. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Amanda shaking her head, telling you to say 'no' and stay away. Nobody else seems to have noticed though. Like usual.

'Sure, I'd love to come!' you answer brightly and smirk to yourself. You can feel her sending death glares at you but you don't care.

Screw you, Amanda. You might be trying to get Simon back, but I'm not going to let you stop me going out with the others. You will not ruin my friendships like this. I won't let you.


Hi everyone! I really like writing the thoughts because it's everything Chloe can't say out loud and all of the things running through her mind, plus I don't usually get to write in first person and I kind of like it.

Also first update of 2015 ayyyyy. Hope you all had a good New Year's.

Sorry if this isn't that great, I know it was kind of short and not a lot happened. But I'm really tired and it's been a long day. I'm listening to some dramatic music at the moment. I'm kind of cold. These are random facts. Haha.

This is kind of a filler chapter, there will be more coming up soon... Okay, please vote and comment and tell me what you think. Stay awesome and have a good day. ~ MBR

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