Chapter Nineteen: Part Two

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After about two hours of being pulled into random conversations with complete strangers - who all know each other somehow, 'cos they're all connected in the YouTube community - and trying to learn the names of at least 60 different people, you start to get tired of talking. You decide you wanna dance instead. So you head out into the huge crowd of people dancing in the middle of the room, just as a familiar Avicii song is beginning to play.

You've been dancing for about fifteen minutes when you realise you need a drink, as your throat is parched from talking so much. You're almost done pouring some Sprite into a cup (my fave drink!) when you suddenly feel someone tap on your shoulder. You turn around to be met with a young guy, who looks to be about 22-24, holding a half empty bottle and leaning far too close to you.

Stay calm, Chlo, you tell yourself in your mind. Just see what he wants.

'Yes? Do you need something?' you ask politely, while moving back slightly.

He says nothing, just stares at you with a strange glint in his eyes. It's awfully familiar, like the guy outside the restaurant all those weeks ago.

" name'sss Jason." And you can tell by the way he sways slightly on his feet, how he stumbles forward as he moves to get closer, that he's drunk. That and you can smell the strong scent of alcohol on him. It reeks.

"Uhh... hi." you reply hesitantly. There is nothing he can do to me. I have nothing to worry about. There is a huge crowd of people right over there.

He has a creepy smile on his face as his gaze intensifies, making you almost shudder in discomfort. "My, you're a pretty one."

"Um, thanks. I..." you trail off, looking around for a diversion so you can get away from him. You're not scared of him, it's more like you don't know how to get out of this situation without making a big scene in front of everyone.

"C...c'mon." he slurs out with a hiccup. "Le'ssss get out of" - he hiccups again- "here."

"No thanks." you say bluntly. "I'm not interested." And I am not going through this again. No way.

"Playing - hic - hard to get, are we?" he smirks, leaning in closer again.

"No." you say firmly, pushing him away slightly as you grit your teeth. Why can't this guy just take a hint? "Look, I already said I'm not interested. Get lost."

And with that, you shove him completely away from you and head back into the crowd of people dancing without a single glance back.

You look around for a familiar face, and almost cry with relief when you spot Simon sitting on a couch talking to some girl. Your heart gets a kind of heavy tugging feeling when you see it, too. You push whatever it is away and head over towards him. He smiles when he sees you approaching and turns away from the girl, who huffs and crosses her arms in annoyance.

"Having fun?" he questions as you drop down onto the couch beside him.

"So much." you nod, smiling back. It was the truth after all. Even though big parties and constantly having to be social wasn't really your thing, the dancing and energetic atmosphere was nice. "But-"

"There you are." A male voice comes from beside you, cutting you off. Oh, for God's sake. "That was kind of rude, walking off when I wasn't done talking to you."

Why can this guy not just TAKE A HINT? Why do I always seem to attract trouble wherever I go? What did I do?

"Well, I was done talking to you." you snap at him, instinctively moving closer to Simon.

Simon must be able to sense you tensing up beside him, because he sits up more and slips a warm arm around your waist to pull you closer.

"Everything okay, babe?" he asks, making you freeze in surprise at the nickname. He leaves you even more stunned when he leans over and presses a kiss to your cheek, slowly and gently. You look over at Jason, who now has his hands raised in defeat and a guilty expression on his face.

"Whoa, whoa. My bad. I didn't know." he says, backing away. And just like that he's gone, slipping away into the crowd.

You feel kind of cold and empty when Simon removes his arm and moves away from you again. You raise a hand to touch your cheek, it burns where his lips have been. The girl, who you'd forgotten about until now, pulls a sour face and stalks off. Probably to go look for another guy to flirt with, since she was upset you'd just swooped in and taken up Simon's attention. Ha ha.

Simon doesn't seem to even notice she's gone, as he says to you, "Sorry about Jason."

"You know him?"

"Yeah, he, uhh.... He's kind of known for being a flirt. Drinks a little too much, comes on very strong. That kind of thing. He's OK when he's sober, trust me. That's why JJ invited him. Of course JJ didn't realise Jason would get this drunk though."

"Well, thank you." you whisper gratefully.

"No problem." he whispers back with a fond smile.

A/N: Okay I didn't really plan on ending it there butI'm just kind of doing things as I go along atm. Anyway, here you go, part two of Chapter Nineteen! :)

So tell me your ideas about the kiss! Like what do you think is gonna happen? Who will it be with? Why will it happen? I'm curious to know your theories, though I won't give anything away yet :) Also what's your favorite drink? Do you like the Avicii song? Do you like going to big parties or no?

I do like interacting with people. You're all so awesome for reading and voting but it's even more awesome when you comment and tell me stuff about yourself and feelings about the story. :) :) Okay, stay awesome guys. Love you all. ~ MBR xo :3

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