Chapter Six

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Hey, it’s MissBlueRose back with another chapter! Sometimes I feel like I rush the chapters a bit and they can be kind of bad. So if that’s true, I’m sorry. This chapter is going to be slightly sad and scary, but not too much.. Well, you’ll just have to see.


When you wake up, it’s dark outside. You notice that you’re no longer in JJ’s car. Wait, what? You were coming back from a shopping trip.. And now you’re back in your room, neatly and carefully tucked into bed. Someone must have carried you up here.

What time is it, anyway? You grab your phone off the bedside table and check. 8PM. The others should still be awake. You change out of your clothes, pulling on a T-shirt and some skinny jeans. You walk downstairs and into the living room where everyone is watching TV. Big Brother? Really?

'Oh, you're FINALLY up.' Harry says, noticing you.

'You must have been tired.' Tobi remarks. 'You were out for like 3 hours.'

'Pfft, that's nothing. I once slept through a whole day before.' You say and laugh as their eyes widen in shock. You turn to Simon. 'I didn't mean to fall asleep on you, dude, it just sort of happens when I'm on a long car ride.'

'It's cool. You were kind of cute.' He replies, and smiles.

'R-really?' You say. Your heart flutters a little at his comment, but you're not sure why.

'Duh, Josh wouldn't shut up about it. I had to make him stay quiet so you wouldn't wake up before I got you to your room.' He says. Ah, so he's the one that carried you upstairs. You smile at Josh, who is hiding his face behind his hands and looks kind of embarassed.

'So we're just about to go out for dinner, are you coming?' Vikk asks.

'Yeah! Let's go.'

45 minutes later and you’re sat around a huge table in Nando’s, the ones for like 10+ people, surrounded by an immense amount of chicken. You watch as Harry puts what looks like a mountain of hot sauce onto his food. You pull a face. You can’t stand food when it’s too spicy. You ordered the mildest food there was, but even that was a bit hot.

You lift up your glass of lemonade to make a toast.

'Listen, I'm really glad I came here. And I'm glad I met you all. If JJ hadn't come back, I'd be left alone in my house right now. I mean it. I've never had true friends like this before. So, this is to you guys.'

'Alright, jeez, no need to make us cry.' Josh laughs, lifting up his Coke.

'I'm not crying, I've just got a bit of Peri-Peri sauce in my eye.' Harry mumbles. Tobi punches him in the arm and you can hear the others laughing.

'Man, this chicken is so good, it's bringing me to tears.' JJ says.

'Mhm. Sure.' Simon mutters sarcastically.

After everyone finishes eating, you stand up and immediately feel a wave of sickness come over you. You put your hand up to your mouth and wait a few seconds. Everyone is looking at you in concern.

'You okay, Chloe?' JJ asks, putting his hand on your shoulder. He knows that you don't handle spicy food well.

'Fine, I just need some fresh air. Can I go and wait outside?' You ask.

'Yeah, we'll finish paying and meet you in a few minutes.' He nods.

You check the time on your phone as you walk into the parking lot, it’s almost 9PM. It’s too dark to find JJ’s car, so you’ll just have to wait for the others. You put in your earphones and start listening to Green Day, when you notice a middle-aged man in dark clothes come out of the car next to you. Immediately, you get a feeling that something is off about him.

'Excuse me?' He says. You take your earphones and look at him uneasily.

'What's a pretty little lady like you doing out here all alone?' He asks. OK, he is definitely kind of creepy and weird.

'Actually, I'm with-' You try to explain but he interrupts you.

'Why don't you let me give you a ride home?' He says in a low voice. Something is seriously wrong. Your gut instincts tell you he's dangerous and you should leave. Now. You think about running back into the restauraunt, but you don't want to turn your back on him.

'I really don't think that's a good idea….' You say as you slowly move away from him. You look around nervously for one of the Sidemen. What's taking them so long? They should have come out by now…

'Come on, I insist.' He seems to have noticed you moving away because he starts to inch closer.

'Please, guys… Where are you…' you think.

'She said no.' You hear a voice behind you. You breathe a sigh of relief as everyone appears around you. You've never been so happy to see them all…. But the stranger doesn't seem bothered.

'Well, too bad. She's coming with me whether she likes it or not.' He says and you wince as he grabs hold of your wrist roughly.

Everything happens so fast. Josh flips out, Simon and Harry go absoloutely insane. Josh leaps onto his back, and Simon tackles him to the ground. Tobi, Vikk, JJ and Ethan have to rush over to hold them back.

'DON'T. TOUCH. HER. EVER.' Harry shouts, punching him with each pause. He looks furious. You've never seen him so mad before.

'Stop, guys. He's not worth it.' Tobi reasons. They hesitantly get off the man and he runs off into the distance like a coward.

'Are you alright, Chloe?' Ethan asks.

You nod, even though you’re shaking a little bit. Vikk notices this because he puts an arm around you and walks you back to the car.


DUN DUN DUNNN!!! Okay. Sorry if this chapter was a little long.

Vikk doesn’t seem like the violent type, so I decided not to make him fight the stranger.

Please do vote and comment and tell me what you think. It makes me smile.

Have a great day/night. Stay awesome. -MBR

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