Chapter Nineteen - Part One

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A/N: Helloo so I know it's been a month, I'm sorry. I have been super super busy- exams, weekend work, and just life in general - but I have not given this up. I'm glad that I at least didn't leave it on a long cliffhanger or something last time. The last chapter ended on a pretty nice note with the end of Amanda, so hopefully it wasn't too annoying. This is dedicated to @UltimateSidemen because you are just one of the sweetest and kindest readers. Thank you to people who tell me to take my time writing this, that they love my story and can wait patiently for the next update because they understand I have a lot going on and it can be so hard to find the time even if I want to. You're all awesome. You're who I write this for. Please listen to the song I put in here with this, it's so so good ^_^ It's one of the songs Chloe & the others were singing along to in the car! (you'll see what I mean later). Anyways. This is Chapter Nineteen.

It had been a little over a week since Amanda left, and things had already gotten a lot better. With the help of Tobi, Ethan and Vikk, you cleaned up all the mess she made in your room and threw out the ruined clothes and furniture. Josh and Simon took you to a giant shopping store where you bought a whole new set of clothes, which consisted of Vans, Converse, band shirts, skinny jeans, etc. You also bought a few dresses because they were super pretty, and got yourself some makeup since Amanda had ruined them too.

You still felt sad about the destroyed picture of you and JJ that she'd ripped up and smashed into pieces. But the guys took a new group picture to make up for it, one with you and all of the Sidemen, and now it was in a shiny new frame that sat right in the middle of the dresser. You and your six best friends, laughing in the garden in the sun. It was so nice, and you smiled because now there was no one horrible and mean around to destroy it.

The bruise on your arm had healed up a bit, fading to a light purple mark that Vikk made sure to kiss every now and then. No one else knew about it since he always did it when you were alone, away from the others. It was nice. It felt like a little secret being shared between only you two. He did it as a way of saying sorry. Sorry that he hadn't noticed earlier or figured it out sooner before she could hurt you. That's all it was. Nothing else. Nope.

It was currently 5pm and today everyone was heading over to JJ's place for one of his famous house parties. It was good to finally see him again since he pretty much never came by the Sidemen house anymore. He was away doing so many cool things with his life, and you were super proud of your childhood best friend.

You think about this as you walk over to your wardrobe and try on two dresses you bought earlier, hesitating between a strapless red one and a light blue one. You eventually pick the light blue, as it matches your eye color. You decide to style your hair, turning the long blonde strands into soft curls that fall down your back. It looks way better for a party instead of lazily wearing it straight and natural like you always do.

"Chloe? You ready?" A voice calls from outside your door, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah, just give me a sec!" you shout back.

You check over yourself in the mirror one last time before stepping out and heading downstairs to the front door. Tobi, Josh and Harry are standing in the hallway, about to leave. When you come down the stairs, they catch sight of you and freeze. You become aware that they're suddenly staring intensely, their mouths hanging open slightly.

"What? What is it?" you question worriedly, glancing down to see what they were looking at. "Do I look bad? Should I change?"

"N-no, you look amazing." Josh assures you. "It's just... Wow. You're pretty."

You giggle and blush a little bit, pushing his shoulder playfully. "Whatever. Let's go meet JJ already."

You walk out the door, leaving them to follow behind after you. You can see Simon, Ethan and Vikk already sitting in the black Land Rover, waiting to go. Since there wasn't enough room for seven people at once, everyone had to take two separate cars, meaning you had to choose who to go with. Josh walks over to the pulls the keys out of his pocket and looks at you expectantly.

"I'll take the second car." you say, shrugging. "Nothing personal, there's just more room in that one. And Simon has good music taste."

"YOU KNOW IT!" Simon yells from the front seat.

"Hey!!! That hurts." Harry says, putting a hand over his heart in mock offense. "You don't know what you're talking about, I play GREAT songs."

"Yeah because the entire soundtrack of Frozen doesn't get annoying after like the ten millionth time." (A/N: I actually have no idea if he likes this or how accurate this is i'm 100% making this up just so you know)

"Sorry." you giggle and put a hand on his shoulder. Simon leans over in the car and opens the door, so you can climb into the passenger seat.

"Why can't I ride shotgun?" Ethan whines from the back.

"Because she's a lady. And you probably smell bad, so she shouldn't have to suffer being back there with you." (A/N: I am joking, I'm sure Ethan smells great haha)

"Shut up." he retorts, rolling his eyes and laughing. "Just drive."

Simon huffs as he turns the key into ignition. You clip in your seatbelt as he steers onto the road, with Josh, Harry and Tobi following closely behind. He hands you his iPod and you plug it into the car stereo, turning the volume up. You scroll through the list of songs - damn, his taste is actually flawless - and soon everyone in the car is loudly singing along to Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, 5 Seconds of Summer and a really good Allstar Weekend song as you drive along the highway.


It takes about 45 minutes to reach JJ's house. When the car pulls up outside, you can see it's absolutely enormous. Wow. You can already hear the fast-paced heavy-beat dance music coming from inside as everyone exits the car. You walk up to buzz the doorbell, glancing around at the amount of other cars parked around, a few Ferraris and even a Lamborghini in the corner.

'Yo!' JJ greets as soon as he appears in the doorway. He steps aside to let everyone in, and you can immediately see that the place is utterly packed with people. JJ must have made a HUGE guest list, because there's at least 50 people here. It's a big place though, which means the crowd is spread out to all areas of the house and there's people everywhere. You can see tons of drinks laid out in the kitchen, as well as a huge table of snacks in the living room. The stereo is pumping energetic music from the corner, and it's a good thing JJ doesn't have neighbors because they'd probably be yelling at him to turn it down right about now. Harry, Josh and Tobi enter a couple of moments later and the Sidemen scatter off in different directions, leaving you on your own. Oh well. Time to go be social.


A/N: Okay so how are you all? Are you doing well?

This was originally gonna be longer but I've written so many words already that it would have been like seven pages and so I'm gonna split it into two parts instead. So if you don't feel like a lot happened this chapter, don't worry, there's more in the second part. Which I will aim to upload in the next week or so. But ohhhh. Boy do I have stuff planned. ;) Some stuff is about to happen guys. :) :)

I do realize I haven't been including Josh in this fic as much as I should, and I know I said that the love triangle / square thing was going to involve him but now I really don't know any more. Like I know there's a few who really ship them together but I find it hard to make him part of the main thing. I'll try, but the other ships are a lot more popular? So that's why. Sorry to any Joe shippers out there. Yes, that's gonna be their ship name. Haha.

Also.. There may or may not be a kiss coming up in one of the next chapters. ;)

Who with / when / where / why will still be kept a mystery for now though. BUT FINALLY A KISS IN THIS FIC HAHAHA sorry. Tell me what you think? What might happen? I love to hear your ideas haha. ;) Do you like any of the bands I mentioned here? What is your favorite song right now? Okay, have a good day, see you in the next part ~ MBR :3 xo

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