Chapter Seven

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It’s MissBlueRose here. Some bad things have been happening in my life lately. Still, it’s all the more reason to pour my heart into my writing. I can use it as my escape. Thanks to everybody for reading, I love you all. x


The next morning, everything feels weird. The memories of last night are slowly coming back to you. You still can’t believe that really happened. It was like a dream… And not in a good way. You sit up and see something strange- your door is open.. You stare confusedly for a few seconds and then shrug it off. You probably forgot to close it or something. 
You yawn and try to stretch out your arms, but for some reason you can only lift one hand. You look down and realise why. Someone else is holding onto your other hand. That’s when you notice Harry, fast asleep in a chair next to you.

'He refused to leave your side all night.' Tobi says as he and the others walk into your room. Whoa. When did they all wake up? And did Harry really choose to stay with you here instead of his own comfy bed?
You feel touched. He can be really sweet sometimes. He might seem very aggressive and angry in his videos, but you knew he had a softer and more gentle side in real life. You move over and lightly hug him. 

'Thanks, Harry.' you whisper, though you're not sure he can hear you. You slip your hand out of his and turn to leave, but then he does something you didn't expect. He reaches out and grabs hold of your arm.

'No. Don't go.' he mumbles. He's still asleep…

'Pfft, he's like a little kid.' Ethan remarks. Everyone laughs, except for Vikk who just looks uncomfortable and is being unusually quiet.

'Aww, how cute.' Josh says. 'Wouldn't you guys make a good couple.'

'Shut up, Josh.' Simon rolls his eyes. 'You're always shipping EVERYBODY.'

'True, but have you ever seen him do this much for a girl?' Josh points out. Simon opens his mouth to reply, but you speak up before he gets the chance.

'Guys, I'm right here, y'know.' You say. It felt weird hearing them talk about him like that. After all, he was just looking out for you. As a friend. Or like a brother. 'Now, can you help me?'

'Sure.' Simon nods. He walks over and screams into Harry's ear: 'HEY, WROETODORK! WAKE UP!' 


Later that night, everyone had finished recording their videos and you were all watching an action movie in the living room. It was Skyfall. You were currently sat between Harry and JJ on the couch, hugging a pillow and staring at James Bond in his tuxedo. Dang.

Halfway through one of the fight scenes, you see Harry motioning for you to come closer. Normally you’d be weirded out, but with him it felt natural. You move over so you’re right next to him. He wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly to his chest. You can hear his slow heartbeat as you snuggle into his blue jumper. He pulls you even closer, and you can feel his warm breath on your neck as he starts lightly playing with strands of your hair. Everything felt so peaceful and still lying there…. But it wasn’t romantic or anything.. Right? Not that you wanted it to be.. Did you?

You shake off these thoughts as you look at the others. Ethan and Tobi have seen you two and are smirking at each other. You roll your eyes as JJ pulls a dirty face with his tongue out. Vikk is being very quiet again. Simon is too fascinated by slow-motion 007 to notice. And then there’s Josh. You being Harry’s human teddy bear seems to have caught his attention the most. In fact, you keep catching him glancing over for the rest of the movie.


After it ends, everyone goes off to their rooms. You lie on your bed and check your email. Spam. Spam. Grandma. Spam. You pause. There’s loud conversation coming from the next room. Which is Josh’s. You lean against the wall and listen. Hey, spying is wrong, but you couldn’t help it. The voices sound like Josh and… Harry?

'It's been like a day, bro. You can drop the whole protective act now.' Josh grumbles, a hint of something sharp in his tone. Jeez, what's his problem?

'I just don't want anything bad to happen to her.' Harry explains. You feel kind of annoyed. You weren't some weakling who couldn't look after herself. That guy had you trapped, there was no way to escape without a risk of being attacked.

'Are you sure that's all?' Josh huffs. What's that supposed to mean? 

There’s a long silence before Harry finally replies, ‘I’m going to go check on her.’ He didn’t answer the question…. Oh shoot. He’s coming.

You run over to your bed and slip underneath the covers, pretending to be sleeping. He shuts the door softly as he enters, being careful not to make noise. Next thing you know, he’s sitting by your side again. He reaches out and strokes your hair, brushing it away from your face.

'I'll always be watching over you.' He says as he places a light kiss on your cheek and leaves.

You must have actually fallen asleep, because you wake up again several hours later. The first thing that hits you is the overpowering smell of smoke. You sit up in panic. The entire room is on fire.


Josh shipped Chloe and Harry! :D But only as a joke, he doesn’t actually want it to happen. Which is why he got all annoyed. But yay for protective Harry! And Vikk’s silent jealousy. ^_^ Who do you ship her with? Tell me in the comments. And please vote. I love hearing what you think. Do you like James Bond? Have you seen Skyfall? Do you like her with Harry romantically or should they just be friends? :)

Again, sorry if this chapter was rushed and kinda bad. And sorry about the sudden twist at the end! XD. I’ll try to update in the next few days, so it won’t be much of a long cliffhanger. 

- MissBlueRose. :3

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