Chapter Five

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It had been about a week since you first came to the Sidemen’s house. You had grown to be best friends with all of them. You went food shopping with them, you joined in with their movie nights, and you even helped them record and edit their videos.

You were having so much fun. Yet, you couldn’t help but feel a little sad. You didn’t want to leave. JJ did only invite you to stay for ‘a little while.’ You wanted to stay longer. You were afraid of going home, back to your plain old apartment, alone for the rest of the summer. Back to your ordinary life without them.

You think about this as you are making lunch in the kitchen. Macaroni and cheese - your favorite! You hear screaming and shouting coming from the living room. The guys were playing a FIFA match and they kept yelling things like:



You roll your eyes, smiling, and get back to preparing the food.

You love to cook. You took lessons when you were 15, and everyone has always told you that you’re great at cooking. So you decided to make a meal for the Sidemen, to say thanks for letting you stay here.

A beep goes off, telling you that you have a text message. You pull your phone out of your pocket. It’s your friend Samantha, sending a picture of her in Hawaii with her boyfriend. They were lying on the beach together and you could see she had a gorgeous tan.

'Ugh. I'm totally jealous.' You text her back.

Every summer, your friends always tell you about what a great time they’re having. Camping under the stars, going on cool trips around the world, having nights out with their boyfriends. Meanwhile you were single and always left behind. You sigh.

You snap out of your thoughts as you notice something. The shouting and loud noise had stopped. All you could hear were quiet murmurs of low voices.

You walk out of the kitchen and into the living room, to find them all staring at you.

'Um.. guys? Why are you looking at me like that?' you questioned.

They glanced around at each other. ‘Well…’ Harry said.

'We really like having you here, and…' Josh started to say.

'…'re an awesome girl.' Tobi finished the sentence.

You thought to yourself, ‘Aww, noo… Are they going to kick me out already?’

'So, we were wondering… um…' Vikk spoke up.

… Do you want to spend the whole summer with us?’ JJ asked.

'I mean, if you want to. It's totally cool if you don't.' Simon said.

'Oh, guys! YES! I would love to!' You turn around and silently punch the air. Ha! Take that, Samantha!

The guys follow you back into the kitchen, and you take out the lunch you made. Everyone sits around the table and starts to eat.

'Wow.' Ethan remarks.

'Whoa, Chloe.' Josh says.

'This is really good.' Tobi comments. You smile.

'A girl who runs fast AND is a good cook. Seems like you'd make a great girlfriend.' Simon winked and started laughing. He stops when when you throw a napkin at him.

You look over to your left and see Vikk with one in his hand, about to do the same. You smile.

'Guys, if I'm staying here for longer, I'm going to need more clothes.' you point out. 'Can someone take me shopping later?'

'I'll go with you.' Vikk, Josh, and Simon said in unison. You nod, a little surprised that they said it so quickly.

'You can take my car.' JJ says, tossing Josh the keys.

When you get there, Josh and Simon go to eat and Vikk goes to buy a new pair of headphones while you run to your favorite clothes store. You buy a whole lot of dresses, blue and black skinny jeans, band shirts, red and black Converse, etc. An hour later, you all meet up in the car park and start driving home.

Josh and Vikk are sitting in the front, talking about football again. You’re pretty tired. Car rides always make you feel drowsy. Without really knowing what you’re doing, you sleepily lean your head on Simon’s shoulder. He wraps an arm around you tightly, pulling you closer to him, and Vikk and Josh stop their conversation.

'Aww. Look at her. She's so adorable.' Josh says.

As you drift off to sleep, you hear Simon whisper ‘Shh. Don’t disturb her.’

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