Chapter Sixteen

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HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know. It's been absolutely forever since I updated. I'm so so sorry. I just - I can't explain everything right here right now. But I just had so much going on, with school, with life. I know that's not a good excuse and I made people wait ages and I'm so sorry. But it's finally here now, I wrote this. And it's long. So :)


It's around 7PM on Friday night, and everyone is in the kitchen eating the pizza they ordered. Well, minus JJ and Ethan who were out somewhere. And Vikk, but you didn't know where he was. Amanda, surprise surprise, was leaning into Simon so much that she was practically sitting on his lap. As soon Josh called out that the pizza was here, she ran over to sit down next to Simon first before you could even touch the seat or reach the island counter. Whatever, you were perfectly fine by yourself anyway.

As usual, you were barely saying anything, staring into space distractedly as you bit into a slice of Hawaiian. Just thinking about stuff. About how you moved in with six new best friends, and how you got away from your life in that stupid town and avoided being stuck at home all summer. For once, everything was awesome. And good. But something had to come along and ruin it. Or someone. You are snapped out of your thoughts by someone calling your name repeatedly.

'What are you thinking about?' Harry asks. You look around, but he's the only one looking at you and fully paying attention to you. Everyone else is too engrossed in their conversations and seems not to notice you or hear Harry. It's just you two in that moment. You never fully thought about this before, but Harry is actually a great guy. He's so caring. Like, you knew how he was in his videos, swearing and raging. How he talked to the other sidemen, laughing and joking around. But he was different with you. Caring. Sweet. Gentle. Like a brother, but not really. A protective friend.

You wonder why he is staring at you so much when you quickly realize he is still waiting for an answer, so you just shake your head and mutter out a 'Not much. I'm just wondering where Vikk is.'

He frowns, like he doesn't fully believe it and isn't satisfied with that response. He opens his mouth to say something, but before he can, Tobi interrupts him.

'Isn't Vikk still upstairs?' Tobi asks.

'Yeah, he's recording.' Josh replies with a mouth full of pepperoni.

'Well he must be pretty hungry by now then.' Tobi points out.

He's right, you hadn't really seen Vikk much today since he had a hectic schedule. You reach over to an unopened box of pizza and pick it up, deciding to be nice and bring him dinner. You're sort of glad for an excuse to get out of the room anyway, just so you wouldn't have to see him with her anymore.

'I'll go take this to him then. I don't mind.' you speak up. Everyone stops talking to stare at you. It's the first thing you've said to everyone in a while. Probably the most sentences you've said in a few days. It's sad really, that you had become this almost mute girl who sleeps all the time and almost always stays in her room.

You reflect on this as you slide out of your seat. You take a few steps before getting dizzy, as you stood up too quickly. The room darkens as your vision goes slightly black and the next thing you know, you're falling backwards. You wait and expect to hit the ground, but it doesn't happen. A pair of strong arms are around you, holding you up. And you realize it's Simon.

'Woah, are you okay?' He asks, lifting you back up to your feet. You quickly push away from him and nod. Glancing over, you catch sight of Amanda and she looks fuming. Furious. If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under right about now. You quickly run out of the room with the box of pizza still warm in your hand.

You knock on Vikk's door before entering, and he smiles as he takes off his headphones and takes the food from your arms. You move to walk away, but feel his fingers reach out and wrap around your wrist, preventing you from leaving. You give him a confused look as he sets down the pizza box and turns in his chair so he's fully facing you.

'Where did your smile go, Chloe?' He asks suddenly. You want to laugh. Ha. I don't even remember how to do that. But of course you don't say that out loud. You can't. You just bite your lip instead, holding back all the frustration and sadness that is threatening to spill out. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he leaps out of his seat and onto you, pinning you to the floor while tickling your sides.

'V-Vikk, s-stop' you manage to puff out between fits of laughter.

'Not until I see you smile again.' he laughs. You grab hold of his wrists and he stops suddenly.

'You're not gonna give up, are you?' you say with a sigh.

'No. Now tell me, seriously, why are you sad?' he questions, a dead serious look replacing the grin on his face now.

'You really don't know the reason?' you ask softly, and Vikk shakes his head with a small frown.

'I just wish someone would wake up and notice already.' you continue. 'The answer is right in front of you and you're too blind to see it. All of you.'

'Chloe... I-'

A loud crash comes from down the hallway, causing you both to look up from your position on the floor. Taking advantage of Vikk being distracted, you gather up all of your strength to push him off of you and get to your feet. Leaving him behind in his room, you slip out of the door and into the hallway to go investigate.

Why is my room door open? That's weird...

As you get closer, you get a bad feeling in your gut. Your stomach drops as you finally reach your room.

Clothes are strewn everywhere, all over the place. In every inch of your room, your stuff is thrown and torn and destroyed. Your makeup has been trashed and thrown in the bin. A picture of you and JJ, when you were little kids, lies broken on the floor surrounded by shattered glass. And then the worst thing. In the corner, you see it. Your favorite dress has been cut up into little pieces.

With lips trembling and hands shaking with anger, you gather up all your ruined clothes and things in your arms and shove them into the back of your closet.

'Chloe? What happened?' you hear Vikk call out in the distance.

'Nothing.' you shout back.

She is not getting away with this. I won't let her. This has gone on long enough, I'm not taking it anymore. I'm gonna tell someone. I'll tell them everything. I have to. I have to tell someone.

And I think I know exactly who.


YO OKAY so a lot happened here. I didn't plan to make it this long but yeah. Chloe is totally in lovee with Simon~ But just in denial / doesn't realize it yet. Also, for people who say there are too many Sidemen fics with Simon that it's soo overdone now, just because I'm writing a lot of things with Simon, doesn't mean he will be the one she ends up with. Maybe, maybe not. ;) Just remember this if you don't want it to be Simon and someone else instead, hehe.

Who was your fave in this chapter? And who do you think she's gonna tell? 
Stay awesome, love you all. xxxx ~ MBR

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