Dance Time.

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Koneko P.O.V

I took his arm and we went to the gym where the dance .People are complaining. He feels so strong.

(Y/N):Are you ok?Shit I think she angry.

Koneko:Yeah This is just my first time actually doing the dance.

(Y/N):Oh ok.

We get to the gym.You guys dance and it is fun.Then you new favorite song "Give me your love" comes on and you guys are dancing .That moment you see Koneko with her beautiful gold eyes.She moves close .

(Y/N):Koneko I'm scared.

Koneko:Maybe that is a good feeling.

Her lips touch yours and she enjoys it but you remember that night.You just run without realising you have gone deep.

3rd person view

You are running and running. You eventually trip but accidentally teleport to the lab where you were experimented on.You feel rage and without thinking summon fire.


Koneko is outside on a bench crying. Rias notices you and her are gone.
Rias walks to Koneko.

Rias:What is wrong?

Koneko:I think I might of scared

Rias:It's okay Koneko he is most probably at home.

Rias phone your guys dad.

Rias:Hi Daddy is (Y/N) at home.

Dad:No he isn't maybe he is at Serzech.

Rais:Ok I will call Serzech.

Rias calls Serzech but the conversation ends the same no (Y/N).

Rias:Koneko get everyone in the ORC now please.

Koneko see her worried and goes to get them.Rias calls Sona and asks her and her peerage to meet her at the clubroom.They are all in the ORC clubroom.

Issei:Why are we here and where is your brother?

Rias:We have a report of a Stray and my brother is missing.

Just then Serzech,Mom and Dad appear.

Rias:Any luck.

Dad:No,He is gone .

Serzech:The report of a stray where is it.

Rias:Kohan Labs why?

Serzech:I know where he is.We need to go to the lab now.

Mom:Why ,what is there?

Serzech:He is.


Serzech:That is where I found him .

Mom:No,no,no are you telling me a memory took over.

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