Being friend before a king

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Y/N:Ok so let me explain but first let me introduce myself. I am Y/N Gremory.So would you all introduce yourselves then I will explain.

Nyx:I am Nyx and I am a glave without a king .

Auron:I am Auron.

Tidus:I'm Tidus.

Yuffie:I am Yuffie.

Tifa:I am Tifa.

Kamari: Kamari.

Pain: I am Pain.

Rikku:Hi I'm Rikku.

Yuna:I am the grand summoner Yuna.

Aerith: I am Aerith.

Lulu:I am Lulu.

Vincent:Name is Vincent.

Jetch:I'm Jetch Tidus' father.

Y/N:Okay so here in this world mythology is real. I am a devil and we use chess peices called evil peice to make a person into a devil. I also have a pack of card that do the same thing called a fallen saint deck or in my case an evil saint deck.So with that being said I would like to know if you would like to join my househould.

They discuss with each other then speak there friends that are in my house.

Lulu:Where would we stay ?

Y/N:In this house it has more than enough space.

Auron:I assume you have a piece or card for each of us.

Y/N:I do.

Everyone:We agree.

Y/N:Okay well I sort out things here Noaki please go get Kuroka.

Noaki nods.

Y/N:Okay Auron was it I would like you to become my rook.

Auron:I assume a rook has strength.

Y/N:Yes a rook increase the strength and defense of the choosen person.

Auron:I see then I accept.

You place the rook by Auron and it goes in and 4 pairs of black wings pop out.

Rikku:Do we all get those wings?

Y/N:Yes but you might get more or less as well it depends on you power level.So I assume Auron is quite strong.

Auron nods and walks to Tidus.

Y/N:Tidus your next. You will be sixth pawn.

Tidus:Ok cool.

You place the piece and 3 sets of wings sprout out.

Tidus:Damn only three sets.

Y/N:That is still good.

Tidus goes to Tifa.

Tifa:I guess I am next.

Y/N:Yes you will be my seventh pawn.

You give her the peice which she places by her chest.She sprouts 4 sets of black wings and goes to show cloud .

Y/N:Nyx I would like you to be my final pawn.

Nyx:It would be an hounor my king and friend Y/N.

You place the peice on his chest and he sprouts out 4 sets of black wings.
He goes to the others.

Aerith:What about the rest of us?

Y/N:You all will be apart of my evil sait deck. But first Sona my love would you do the honours.

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