Alone again.

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You are out walking finding every fallen in town to see if any are good or worth turning but nothing

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You are out walking finding every fallen in town to see if any are good or worth turning but nothing. So you head to a bar. You buy three bottles of Scottish Leader. You go to a roof top and start to drink. You finish two bottles.

(Y/N):Fuck I'm still sobe. Oh well atleast I can enjoy this bottle.

As you are about to finish the last bottle you sence a powerful aura.You teleport there.It is a fallen but this one is different because it is fighting three of its own.You reconise the three that are fighting him. They are Amazan,Rikkia and Baskil.He is losing.

???:Kill me already I will never help you defeat the Gregory house. We are suppose to be at peace.

(Y/N):He is strong if he wasn't injured I'm sure these three would be dead already. He is fighting for our team if he dies I will revive him but for not let's finish this and then see how far he goes.

??? gets attack by the three of them and you think it is a little unfair.Three of them against an injured him. But you got a say he is keeping still.You go to help.

Amazan:What the fuck? Who are you?

???:Why are you helping me?

(Y/N):I am (Y/N) Gregory and I don't like umfair odds.

???:Your a Gregory. I'm honored.

(Y/N):It is no problem and you are defending people who you have never met before so I like you. What's you name?

Zeno:My name is Zeno.

(Y/N):Okay Zeno what you say we take out the trash?


All three of them:What you arrogant brat.

You and Zeno take them out in five seconds flat but then Zeno falls.You rush to his side.

Zeno:It was nice to meet you.

(Y/N):Same can't die yet so how's about I make you an offer.

He laughs but see you are serious.

Zeno:What offer?

(Y/N):Become my Rook.I could use a nobble man such as yourself.

Zeno:It would be my honor .

Without another word you begin the ritual and place him on the ground with the rook on top of him. It sinks into him thier is a bright light. You close your eyes and when you open then again you see him healed standing up straight.

Zeno:Thank you master.

(Y/N):It is no problem but please just call me (Y/N). We are friends now and I saved your life not because I want a servant but because you defended my house.

Zeno stands up and nods his head.

Zeno:So what now (Y/N)?

(Y/N):We go picked off one pissed off knight.

With that you teleport with him to the ORC clubroom. Where everyone is and is shocked that you are back already but you don't plan to stay long.

Rias: You back early.

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