The exhibition (Early Halloween Special)

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Month after the rating games.

It was all Hallows eve and you guys felt like having fun desiding to turn the ORC into a haunted school. Rias and Sona's peerage were at the student council when they recieved a letter.Which you sent to all your friends and family.

Dear friends and family

I invite you to the first offical
"All for One " club event. As it has only recently been formed. We the A.F.O qould like you all to meet out side the Oclut Research Club in one hour.

Kind Reguards

Serzech,Gryfia,Rias' Mom and Dad were at the student council clubroom now as well.

Rias:Serzech you know what this is about?

Serzech:I believe our brother has formed his own club but as for the event we will have to wait and see.

Sona:So we all don't know what is going on?

Serzech:That is correct and I think he did this on purpose because he knows we all want to see him so he has the upper hand.

Rias:Shall we go, it says we must wait outside my club?

Kiba:Wait where is Issei?

Serzech:Gryfia is gone now too.

Sona:So is Saji.

A note appears

To regain what you have lost you must take the first step.

Rias:Okay what is going on?

Serzech:We must go now?

Everyone agrees.


They all arrive outside the ORC and it looks like it did before Rias to over it.

Rias:What happened here?

A man who they have never met before appears in mask with an aura of darkness.

???:To come here is the plan but will you leave if you can?

Serzech: What and who are you?

Zekrom: I am Zekrom the host for this game that all are about to participate in.The can called...(he laughs)... trick or treat.You the Occult research Club has been change for this event you will all be subjected two four stages and each stage you will get someone who was lost.

Serzech:But only three people were taken?

Zekrom:A fact that is only as true as the eye can see.But I won't say anything so for now good bye.

Zekrom disappears.They all enter the building. A voice can be heard.

Serafall:Hey I glad you could all make it.

Serzech:What is going on?

Serafall:Stage 1:Trivia.

Everyone is confused.

Serafall:Each will be asked a question and if you all answer truthfully you will get your first prize with you second clue.

Everyone nods.

Serafall:Okay who's first?

She goes to Sona.

Sona:What is the question?

Serafall:Do you want (Y/N)?


Sona disappears with her peerage.

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