Back from the dead.

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You write a note and stick it on the fridge. You start to walk to school.

(Y/N):They are most probably going to kill me.

You smile at the idea of them trying to kill you .You reach the school remembering today is a full moon and you think to yourself that you need a familair.You call the guide and tell him that today is the day.He agrees saying he has to make a few calls. He does this because him and Ash are good friends.He has also grown to your liking.

(Y/N):Thanks Jay see tonight.

Jay:You got it tell Ash I say Hi.

(Y/N):I will.

You put in your earphones and play "Starset-Point of no return". Everyone stares at you with wide eyes.You get to class.You take your seat. Everyone enters the class and you take their seat as you are staring out the window.Gasper comes in a little late.He see you and thinks he is going mad.He keeps looking back to you.

Gasper's P.O.V

I see him there but is it really him. I'm feel confused. How is he alive?

Flashback to that night.

(Y/N):Oh one thing Noaki and Karoka make up with Koneko she is going to need you and if you hurt her again I will kill you both. Goodbye my family. I love you all.

Few seconds later the explosion happened.

Gasper:No (Y/N) please don't be dead.

End of flashback

Gasper:It can't be.

He whispered to himself.

I am nervous and then Roissewiesee walks in. She also can't believe it.

Roissewiesee:Morning class. No it can't be him it is impossible we all saw him die.

The rings and everyone goes for break. Roissewiesee and I run to Rias to tell her about (Y/N). She doesn't believe us.So we take her to our class to show her.


Ash has woken up and goes to the fridge for food.

Ash:What the fuck?Where the fuck is the food?

Ash is fumming as note falls to her hand.


Dear Ash

I have gone to school.
I took the last of the food for lunch.
Please take your fat ass grossary shopping.


Ash:That little bastered he took my food but atleast the dumbass is trying to get fucking smarter.

She sighs and gets the keys and goes to the shops.

Kiba's P.O.V

I walk into the clubroom to see (Y/N).I am confused,happy,sad and angry.

Kiba:(Y/N) stay there.

I run to Rias shouting her name.

Rias:Kiba what is it?

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