Your new Friend

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You walk around looking for a good familiar and you are getting bored until you come across a fallen wolf. It is black with red.

You like it so you get its attention

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You like it so you get its attention.

(Y/N):Hello boy.

He growls at you until you bring out food and then it is like a trained dog with wings.

(Y/N):Good boy.

You thow him a steak.He catches it.He eats it as you walk towards him to pet him.He wags his tail .

(Y/N):Hello boy you want to be my familair.

He nods his head.You make him your familiar.

(Y/N):Now what to name about Bloodsport.

He wags his tail and jumps and licks you.

(Y/N):Ok Bloodsport it is.

You walk with him to Jay.

Jay:Wow you got a fallen wolf I am surprised they almost never come out you are really lucky.

(Y/N):Thanks bro,I will tell Ash you say Hi.

Jay:Thanks have a good one.

(Y/N):You too.

You teleport to Ashes small house.

Ash:What the fuck took you so long?

(Y/N):Sorry Ash I went to get a familair and Jay say Hi.

Ash:Does that asshole not get that I don't want to fuck him.

(Y/N):I don't know but from tommorow you will be going to school with me.

Ash:What the fuck do you mean?

You look at her seriously.

(Y/N):Ash I need you there okay.

Ash:Fuck I hate you and that stupid promise.

(Y/N):Okay now that that is settled I'm not hungry so I am going to bed.Good night.

Ash:Fuck you...(mumble)good night.

You guys go to sleep. The next day you and Ash go to school .The lessons goes the same as yesterday until the bell goes.You walk out of class just to be confronted by a pissed off Ash.

Ash:Your an asshole.I had math the first fucking three lessons I mean who put English in maths.I mean Y must just fucking forget his X.

You laugh at that last piece but you see Ash is really upset.She looks down sad.You lift her head to look at her golden brown eyes.You see the sadness in her eyes.

(Y/N):Ash I know this is hard for you, thank you.

Ash punches you and you give him a hug.

Ash:Let me go asshole. Rose you were right he is a really guy and he almost reminds me of my brother.

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