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(Y/N) P.O.V

I hope Sona and I work.I scared what Koneko doesn't happen. I still need move on.I hope it isn't as hard as everyone says it is.

Ash P.O.V

Ash is busy actually socializing and yes it is because you aren't her.She is speaking to Reno and Ravel.

Ash: I think (Y/N) is being a dumbass he knows he loves her but yet he goes around with Sona why.

Zeno:Ash don't be so hard on him. He is in pain and you know how that feels and even if he did know she did nothing to stop it.

Ash:Damn ,I guess the only real ones with a set of ball in that household are Rias,Akono and Kiba.

Zeno:Oh yeah and I heard Rias' bishop Asia got her familiar.

Ash:Well fuck me sideways Rias' peerage might on the same level as us soon.


(Back to y/n and Sona who are on a date)

(Y/N):Hey Sona I'm sorry I never asked for your consent.

Sona:It's okay I am happy it is you and not one of those third person speaking pheanex.

(Y/N):Oh come on not all of them are bad I mean I lime Ravul. He is seems chilled.

Sona:Your right on that.

Your song plays and you grab Sona's hand and go to the dance floor.

Sona:Y/N I can't dance.

Y/N:Lies everyone can dance you just have to listen to the beat,feel the rythm,let the sound move your feet and I will follow.

Sona listens to you and soon you both are dancing like you guy practiced every move together. People take videos.

Sona:They are staring and taking videos of us.

Y/N:So ignore them focus on me and have fun.

Sona does a you tell her and for the first time you feel happy without anyone else.You guys finish dancing and go to a table to order food.You get a dagwood and Sona gets a burger and chips. You guys laugh and talk about many meaningless and trivial things.

Sona: Why did you pick me?

Y/N:What do you mean?

Sona:You knew Koneko still liked you but yet you asked me.Why?

Y/N:Can I tell the reason she and didn't work.

Sona:Okay .

Y/N:She thought by being with someone she could gain more love from another.


Y/N:Bingo and it hurt me knowing that I could put so much in and still get the same result.

Sona:I see but still doesn't explain why you picked me.

Y/N:Sona I picked you not because I need you but because I wanted you. You in my eyes are perfect. You are the right amount of respect,smarts and on top of that you are beautiful. There is so much I can say but I also need one who can reciprocate that love.

Sona doesn't say anything but instead kisses you.You are shocked at first but grab her and give her a heartfelt kiss. You guys break for air. She is blushing as are you. You are the first to speak.

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