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Rias's P.O.V

(Y/N) hits Issei and then comes to give me a hug.

Rias:I missed you to little brother.

(Y/N):I missed you too and you give such nice hugs.

Issei:How come he doesn't get called a perv?

Koneko:Because she is his sister. So we can't say he is a perv dumbass.

Issei:Ouch your words hurt you know.

Koneko: Suck it.

Rias:So brother are we going to trade anytime?

(Y/N): No my peices are open until I am ready to go for them but I will be honest the trade that I want to do with you will only take place when that person accepts theirself for who that person is then I will be able to trade you but until then I have to make a trade with Sona thier is a certain pawn I want from her.

Rias:Intresting and you think she will trade.

(Y/N):Well it is more like leasing him.

Rias:I see.

(Y/N):Well I need to go talk to her so see you later big sis...oh Ash are you coming or staying here.

Rias:She can stay here but then she will be training with us.

You laugh.

Ash:I would like to see my fucking compition so I will stay here plus I would like to get back at the fucking perv.

(Y/N):I see. Okay you may stay. Enjoy.

Ash:Fuck yeah.

You leave.

Rias: Why are you always cursing?

Ash:I don't alway it's just around people I dislike or people who think I am Inferior.

Rias:So which one do you see us like?

Ash:Neither I actually like you guys.

Everyone is shocked.

Koneko:So you don't like (Y/N)?'s complicated he is my master,my friend and we are just like that.

Rias:I understand let's begin training.

Ash:So who am I versing first?

Issei:You really think you could beat any of us?

Rias:Don't be cocky Issei. My brother made her his knight not only because she saved him. As you can see he works with people who are able to work with who they are.

Ash:Yeah I might not like everything about me but atleast I know who I am.

Koneko walks to Rias and tugs her.

Koneko:Can I speak to you?

Rias:Okay.Everyone lead Ash to training and since she is so confident she can verse my two knights. Xenovia and Kiba your up. Try your best.

Kiba and Xenovia: Yes president.

Issei:What about me?

Rias:Practice transferring your power to them.

Issei: Got it.

Roissewiesee:And me?

Rias:You are back up and Asia will heal eveyone.

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