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Today is the day I go meet my good friend and older cousin Sairaorg. I heard about his mom my lovely human aunty and her sickness. I have been thinking and I have found out how to do it but I need a boost so I asked Rias and perv to come so I can heal her. Then I will ask him if he wants to take part in an experiment so I can help him get him to have his Baal powers in full. All I want is to fight him with everything his got. His hamon ,his haikia ,the lion and his devil powers. I want to see where I am in the world. How strong I am ? I need to be the best. I want to be the best else I can't protect anyone.

Y/N: Hey Rias can we go see Sairaorg please I figure how to help Aunty.


Y/N:Oh and bring your boyfriend.
I have been trying to get Issei and Rias together so she stop sleeping in my room nake saying she can only be with the one she loves.


Rias has a smirk hope I say me.

Y/N:Meet me in five.

Rias look at me with anger and disappointment in her eyes.

Rias:Okay bye.

Y/N:(Rias and the others have been neglecting me of late I wonder if it has to do with Issie.)

Rias:We are here.

Y/N:Okay anyway I need the perv so he can transfer power to me in order for me to help her.

Rias: Okay but why ?

Y/N:So I can help aunty.

Rias:Okay .

Sairgaorg:Thank you for coming but why have you come before our rating game.

Y/N:To help you since you helped me with that other thing.

Rias:What other thing.

Y/N:Two surprise for the rating game and after.

Rias:Okay whatever?

Issie(whispers to rias.):Don't make it so obvious.

Sairgaorg:It seems my baby cousin is going to get hurt I must find a way to help him .

Y/N:They do know I heard about their conversation.


Issei:You know all the girls are in my harem.

Rias:Yes we are and I know my brother loves us but we only love you Issei.

Koneko:Besides his got Sona.

Xenovia:And all the others he does not need us.

Irina:But I think we atleast speak to him. He did help you out of the marrige situation.

Rias:Issei could of done that.

Kiba:Birichou if you do this I will not be part of this he is our friend.

Irina:Kiba is right.

Rias:Fine you two can keep doing what you want but we are tired Issei treats us right.

Kiba:You know his been busy right.

Rias:So he can't make time for us.

Kiba:He has been arranging the leaders summit which should be helping.

Rias:Whatever we are going to break him so he can see how much he has hurt us.

Flashback end

Y/N:why do they hate me?

You and the others arrive by your aunty.

Y/N:Now I am going to try something and if it doesn't work then I need you to help me Issei.


You start to transfer chakra to your aunty.

Y/N:Kurama please help me I don't want that asshole to help me.

Kurama: So you know the you will take already. So be it I have seen how you are and I will help you.

????:So will I my host.

Y/N:Who are you?.

????:We can talk about that later.

Y/N:OKay thank you.

You feel power surge through your body.
Issei and Rias are shocked but Sairgaorg just smiles.Your aunty starts to wake.

Aunty M: Hello who are you?

Y/N:I am Y/N and I am you nephew. That is Issei,Rias and your son...

You were interupted by her screaming.


Sairgaorg:Yes mom it is me.

He cries as does she they hug and they both say thank you.

Sairgaorg:Y/N you did me a huge favor and for that I can't repay you.

Y/N: Actually there is . Please come with me.

Rias gets curious and tries to follow. So does Issei. But you go into a sound proof room.

Y/N:Sairgaorg please firgive me for after our fight I will be leaving.

Sairgaorg:I see , I understand why but why tell me this.

Y/N:Because I need you to give these to the respective people and I need you somehow get Rias and her peerage to blame themselves for my dissappearance.

Sairgaorg:But why?

Y/N:They plan on betraying me for that useless Red dragon but I have two things they don't know about.

Sairgaorg:I heard from Minito that you have the nine tails but what else.

Y/N:I have a sacred gear .

You focus and it appears along with a tiny Kurama on your shoulder while the gear appears a crimson gauntlet.

Sairgaorg:I see so you have Drago the crimson sun dragon.

Drago:Yes he is my host and a strong one to.

Sairgaorg:I see so he is your first host . It make sense and is there anyone you would like to tell about yoir disappearance?

Y/N:Yes your Mom because I will come hear.

Sairgaorg:Okay I understand but what about your other family.

Y/N:Only after I been gone for a day.

Sairgaorg:Okay I will help.

You say good bye and exit where Rias and Issei are waiting.

Rias : What did you talk about .

Y/N:A surpise for you guys after the rating game.Think of as a reward for all yours and your peerages hard work.

Rias smile and so does Issei. You guys go home .

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