First I love you- Osamu and Sugawara

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You've been having massive headaches because. But you didn't tell Osamu, not wanting to put too much stress on him since he was doing that himself. But today was really bad, you couldn't get out of bed, but you need to talk to a teacher about it. So when lunch rolled around you forced yourself to walk, holding the wall as you felt dizzy. You managed to make it to the teacher's lounge, "Young Y/n, you don't look too well."

"Wow, thanks." You snorted.

"Is there something I can do?"

"My head hurts, like really real-" You fell to the ground grasping your head. The two teachers held onto you

"She's burning up."

"Y/n might be sick?" They looked at the other teacher.

"Probably." She sighed.

"Maybe someone should bring her to the dorms and get her rested."

"Maybe her brother, Ōmimi?"

"Uh, I don't know, what about-"

"Osamu..." You mumbled as you grasped out for anything. "I... want... Osamu." They all looked at each other and smiled. "What?"

"Young love." She squealed, you rolled your eyes which hurt. The other teacher took his phone typing away. It took a while to get here, probably worried as to what a teacher wanted. Which was true, he was having lunch when his phone buzzed.

"Is it Y/n?"

"No..." Osamu gulped before showing his brother the message.

"It's probably nothing."

Teachers lounge now

"Probably. I'll be back." He got up and walked slowly to the teacher's lounge until he saw you- boy bolted. "Y/n?" He slid next to you and grasped your head, you sighed into him and nuzzled your way into his chest. "Love, hey, can you hear me."

"I hear you, Osamu. I do."

"Oh thank god." He kissed your head. "Sick?" You nodded weakly into his arms. "I think Ōmimi made you breakfast and put it up before we left."

"Mk." The teachers looked at you two and smiled, it only grew when you reached up and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Samu."

"Of course." Their teacher looked at them.

"I'll give Ōmimi your work, Osamu, can you get her home?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thank you." Osamu picked you up, carrying you out of the school.

"Osamu!" He stopped and looked down the hall at Atsumu and Suna. He boosted you up a little and watched as they walked over.

"This will take one second, okay?"

"Mk, babe." He smiled to himself as you nuzzled yourself into him further.

"Everything okay?"

"Is she sick again!?" You nearly jumped as Ōmimi touched your head. Sighing in comfort at the heat from his palm. "The teacher told me you're gonna be taking care of her." No need to be mean, baka. Suna and Atsumu looked at the three of you. "Look. My sister is my world, all right?" You were taken back by how soft his voice is. "You break her heart, I'll break you." Oh great, threats.

"Don't scare him, Ōmimi," Kita said popping up out of nowhere.

"Tch. Take care of her. Okay?"

"Yeah, I got it." Suna looked at all of you.

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