Creppy Kenma

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"Hey, Ken, do you think Kuroo will like this book?" Kenma looked up from his game looking at the cringy science pick-up line book in your hands.

"Um, hi..." A boy spoke before Kenma could, you turned to face him, putting on a bright smile as you do so.


"I want you all to myself." You blinked surprised at the straightforwardness this guy has. Kenma even stood up straighter putting his game in his pocket. "I mean, it's nice to meet you. I was wondering if I could sit here..." You looked at Kenma cautiously before looking at the boy.

"Uh, sure?"

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much it means to me, to be able to sit beside you."

"And why is that?" You looked at the Rooster and quickly hid the book. You looked back at the boy repeating the question.

"Yeah, why is that?"

"Oh, um, you see... I'm a big fan of yours... Applepi2, right?"

"Oh, yeah, that's me. It's also a pleasure to meet a fan!" You said brightly, feeling more comfortable now that your brother's here too. Kenma made you comfortable too, but this guy was giving off a weird vibe and you knew you'd feel a lot safer with both your brother and boyfriend here.

"I know so much about you." Your smile faltered a bit as you leaned into Kenma more.

"Is that so?" Kuroo asked leaning over the table.

"Yeah, I almost know every little thing about her. Maybe a little more than you know about yourself."

"Oh, well that can't be possible. Kenma knows me more than I know myself. And Kenma tells my brother, so he also knows." You said carefully, smiling less.

"You can believe that, kitten." Your eyes widen as he got up and left, and you let out a breath. One you didn't know you were holding.

"What just happened?"

"I think my puddings got a little stalker." You glared at Kenma as you covered up your chest with his jacket. "Pudding, are you seriously worried about him? If he crosses the line, you have me here." Kuroo cleared his throat making Kenma sigh and glare at him, "And your annoying brother." You cracked a smile and nodded your head.

"Your right, what could he possibly know? I don't share my personal information when I stream."


You sat in the library waiting for Kenma and Kuroo to meet you, you heard the chair in front of you move, "What are you reading?" You quickly looked up not seeing either of the boys.

"Oh, um, hi. Just harry potter." You gulped putting your nose back into your book.

"You're pretty." You tensed up as he moved chairs to the one next to you. "When I first laid my eyes on you, I thought... what an angel. And from that point on I just knew, I knew you were meant for me." You tensed as he touched your shoulder. "So... I began to watch you... and not just your streams." You gulped as he moved his hand down. "Even the late nights."

"I think I should go." You said quickly standing up, gathering your stuff, but before your could leave he grabbed your hand.

"No, don't go. I'm sorry if I creeped you out. Please sit."

"I'm good, no thanks." You went to yank your hand out of his but he pulled out a gun, keeping it under the table.

"Scream and I shoot. Disobey me and I shoot. Now, sit. You wouldn't want to upset me now would you?" You looked around before sitting down hesitantly. "Good Kiten." You wanted to throw up how he said kitten. "I would just watch and watch you for hours. And I learned every single thing about you. Like your likes, your dislikes, hobbies, family, how long you brush your teeth, and how long it takes for you to walk to class. Everything, every single detail. Even how you like to be fucked." Your eyes widen as he spoke. You looked around again for the boys, but they weren't there. "If you're looking for your brother and Kenma, I texted them saying you went home early. Weren't feeling too good."

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