Making things right- Oikawa

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You knew when you started dating Oikawa no one could get in the way of Volleyball. Not even the love of his life, you. At first he manage to juggle between you, your work, and volleyball. But as years went on he got lazy when it came to you. You never seen him, he was always at practice and never home for dinner. Iwaizumi always ended up coming over instead apologizing for Oikawa's behavior. You always brushed it off as if you didn't notice. And that worked for a while. Until your mother's funeral came around, she was sick and was on her death bed when you first met Oikawa. When you woke up that morning to an empty bed and a note saying he was headed out, which left you alone. You waited on your door step for him to return, never changing out of your dress. "Aww you waited for me... why do you look like you're going to a funeral?"

"Funny. I do, don't I? I wonder why... Oh, right. My mother died, Oikawa." His eyes widen and he took his phone out, cursing under his breath. "And I had to explain to my family why I was alone. It's not like I could say, 'oh he had better things to do... what you ask? Volleyball."

"That's not fair."

"Really? You wanna talk about fair? I wait up every night till 3 am for you. I cook you meals for when you get home. I don't get a simple thank you. You're never home. You get home at 5 am and up at 7. I never see you. This isn't fair to me."

"I'm trying my hardest. You know how I am, you should've thought about this before getting with me!"

"You kept begging to take me on a date! And that's my fault? I opened my heart to you. I let you in. You said you'd never hurt me, Oikawa. But you did. And I needed you today. And you weren't there." By now you're sure you had tears rolling down your face, Oikawa was too petty to realize how bad he messed up.

"Whatever." He began to walk away making you scoff.

"That's right, go back to your one true love. But mark my words Oikawa. You leave, we're done." The boy thought you were just being dramatic and left anyway. You sobbed and called Iwaizumi, you left a note after you packed all your belongings. Iwaizumi let you crash with him, hiding you from Oikawa if he'd stop by. A few months later you moved out and got your own place. You began the road to be an actor, you've found someone who loved you and you loved them. But deep down you always compared the littlest thing to Oikawa. Seeing how different they are. And how similar. You were in your office when you got the email to be the main lady in a romance sport movie. You ran to your boyfriend with the great news who congratulated you.

When you woke up you were so excited to get this done. You walked into the office smiling as you looked around. "Y/n...?" You stopped in your tracks, your smile faded as you turned around facing the one person you never expected to see. Toru Oikawa.

"Oikawa? W-What are you doing here?"

"I... they hired me to play in a sport movie. You?"

"Um... same."

"Oh, Oikawa, Y/n, welcome. You can follow me." You looked at him awkwardly as you followed the lady.

"Ah, my main roles met each other, I see."

"Huh?" You and Oikawa looked at each other in shock.

"I'm working with her?"

"I'm working with him?"

"Is that a problem? I can easily find someone else, Oikawa." What? The hope in your eyes dropped as she focused on him. "I do need you more, you are a excellent volleyball player. I need someone like you."

"No, it's fine. I can work with her." He watched as you looked at him silently thanking him.

"Oh... okay, then. Let's get to work." She began talking about the movie and how your role was suppose to fall in love with the volleyball player and have your heart broken when he choses to leave you for it. You looked down sighing, you looked over at Oikawa practically seeing the wheels turn in his head. This wasn't going to be easy, but this was your big break, you needed this. "Does that work for you two?"

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