confessing to an insecure crush -Oikawa, Kita, and Yuki

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You were shocked to see Oikawa outside your classroom, staring down at the ground, does he know the school's over? "Oikawa?" He looked up at the sound of another voice

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You were shocked to see Oikawa outside your classroom, staring down at the ground, does he know the school's over? "Oikawa?" He looked up at the sound of another voice. "You know school's over, right...?"

"Yeah, I uh, I heard you stay after and study... I didn't want to interrupt."

"Oh, did you need help studying for something?" You asked closing the room behind you.

"Oh, no. No. I, uh, wanted to talk to you."

"Right." Your nerves were kicking in, why did he want to speak to you.

"I, uh, Iwaizumi would kick my ass if I bail on this, so... Look, I like you-" You caught him off laughing dryly, oh got damnit. "What?"

"Is this a prank? I mean, Iwaizumi would kick your ass if you didn't say it, right? I mean, hey let's prank the loner girl. Don't you think I'm alone for a reason? You don't like me, Oikawa. You like attention, and girls... and I'm... I..." You sighed swallowing softly. "And I'm just me." You went to walk away, but before you could he grabbed your arm pinning you to the lockers.

"And why do you say it likes it's a bad thing?" You were shocked at the tone of his voice. "I like you for who you are, I adore you. You don't have to put on a fake smile for anyone and pretend to like the attention because you are popular, you can sit and laugh with anyone it would be real. Other than Iwaizumi no one has ever seen me cry or fall. Iwaizumi would kick my ass right now if I didn't say I like you because you're all I talk about 24/7." You looked at him closely, he was frowning a little, no more smiley Oikawa.

"Why fake it? If you are so good at it... how do I know you're not faking now?"

"You don't..."

"Exactly, Oikawa. That's what happens with fakes. You get used to the fake that when they decide to be themselves, you think that part is fake. Trust me, I know."

"Whenever we talked, whenever we bumped into each other, did I smile? Did I beg for attention?"


"Because when I'm around you, I want to be real." You looked at him, sighing.

"You don't want me, I'm a mess."

"I'm worse." You can tell you weren't going to win, but you didn't want to admit you loved it when he didn't smile around you as he did with all those other girls, he didn't give you that fake ass laugh or that fake attitude, he was Oikawa. "I really like you, I'm not messing with you."

"I believe you. I do..." you bit your lip and looked away. "I don't want to be hurt again, Oikawa." He grabbed your chin, making you face him again, before kissing your lips softly.

"I won't ever hurt you."



You were beyond nervous when you got a note asking you to meet behind the school at lunch

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You were beyond nervous when you got a note asking you to meet behind the school at lunch. But you did, you don't know why you did, but you did. And you were also beyond shocked to see Kita and his handsome self. "Kita?" He looked over at you and smiled.

"Hey, Y/n."

"Did you mean to give this to someone else?" You asked holding up the note.

"Nope." This made your nervousness grow."Oh, was there something you wanted to talk about?"

"Yeah." He put his phone up and pushed himself off the wall. "I, uh, wanted to confess something." You chose to ignore the way your heart was beating.


"I like you, Y/n, like a lot." You rolled your eyes, another great guy, you admit you like Kita, have for a while. But... there is no way he likes you. "What?"

"I get it, I do. I'd do the same if I had the power."

"Get what?" The poor boy was confused.

"Prank the ugly girl, mess with her head, just to see her break. I've been through that Kita. To be honest, I didn't think of you like that, as that guy. Yeah, I like you, is that what you want to hear? So you can go and tell your whole volleyball team you got the ugliest girl in your grade to confess to you?"

"What are you? Wait.... you've been through this before...? By who?" You were shocked when his tone of voice changed.


"Who pulled a sick joke like that to you?" He ignored the way you called yourself ugly for now, walking to you corning you against him and the wall.

"A-Ah, s-some g-guy in my c-class..." You have never seen Kita mad before, so this was a bit of a shocker.

"I... I'm sorry if I scared you." He gently stroked your cheek smiling a little. "You are nowhere near the ugliest girl in our grade, I think you're quite beautiful. And before you say anything. I like you, Y/n, I do. I like the way you handle yourself in intense situations, but I also like, that you don't hate me. I'm sorry someone did that horrible joke to you, but I'm not them. I don't do jokes. Ask the team. I didn't even know what a prank was once upon a time." You both laughed quietly. "I think you are so beautiful, and funny. I'm glad you like me too."

"So... this wasn't a joke?"

"No." you let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank god." You both laughed again. "Don't break my heart."

"I don't plan on it."



You stopped in your tracks once you saw Yuki and Lev

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You stopped in your tracks once you saw Yuki and Lev. "Uh, hi?" They looked at you and Lev bolted."He... had somewhere to be..."

"Right. What can I do for you, Yuki?"

"I, uh... I happen to like you." You looked at him frozen, not again, is this really happening again? Why does it have to be with a guy I like this time...? Is that why Lev bolted? "Y/n...?" You snapped out of it and looked at Yuki.


"You zoned out, I know it's sudden..."

"Who put you up to this?" Homeboy looked really offended.


"I'm not stupid. I know the guy I like isn't just going to start liking me. This is stupid and hurtful. I... I don't get why you'd do this to me... I mean, you must have the wrong girl because-" Yuki stopped your speech kissing you softly, you didn't want to, but you ended up melting to the touch."I like you, there's no joke, I don't have the wrong girl. I like you, It's that simple." You looked at him and sighed.


"Yeah, can I kiss you again...?" You nodded your head letting him crash his lips to yours again.

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