Spin the bottle- Oikawa

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It was a little close to Christmas, and your brother invited his friends over and your boyfriend. You, your brother, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and your boyfriend were sitting by the fire, laughing. Just having a good time. Little did everyone know they had half of Oikawa's attention. His real focus was on the soft glow of the fire on your beautiful, presumably soft skin, the way your lips fit around your mug as you took small sips. He couldn't help but let out a soft sigh. He knew of the guy beside you, your boyfriend. He also knew he warned you about him. But... you didn't listen. You guys made up but he always kept an eye out for you. Kuroo walked outside getting Oikawa's attention. "Hey, we're playing spin the bottle if you guys want to join?" You looked over at him, shaking your head.

"I'm good." Your boyfriends looked at you as everyone else agreed.

"We'll be in a minute." Oikawa gave you a cautious look before leaving inside.


"Why don't you want to play?"

"Um, because I don't want to kiss anyone else."

"So? Now they gonna think we're no fun."

"I rather not be fun than be a cheater." Your boyfriend gave you a look before scoffing. He stood up walking to the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to play the fucking game, you loser." He opened the door slamming it shut. You sighed and looked back at the fire. You sighed, if he was playing, maybe it was- no, you shook your head. You are not that kind of person. Who knows, maybe he won't be kissing anyone. You stood up and looked through the window as no noise was heard. Your eyes widen at the sight in front of you. You recognized the girl, your boyfriend was kissing. The same girl he told you not to worry about. The way they were kissing didn't look like an in-the-moment kiss or an awkward kiss. You glared at the two, Oikawa looked at the window and saw you. You walked into the house and sat across from Oikawa. Looking at him.

"Spin the bottle." Your boyfriend pulled away from his friend and looked at you. Your brother and Iwaizumi also looked at you.

"I thought you said you weren't playing, babe."

"Spin the fucking bottle, Toru." He smirked at your tone and glared at your boyfriend spinning the bottle. He stared at him and laughed, he bit his lip turning his head to you winking as the bottle slowed down. Landing, on, you. Your heart began to race, Oikawa was your best friend, but you also knew he was a good kisser, (mostly because of his ex-girlfriend's bragging to you).

"Y/n," Oikawa says, pulling you out of your daze.

"Hm." You looked over at your boyfriend and winked. You sit up onto your knees, as does he. He starts leaning in forward, and when your nose touches was when your boyfriend knew, you weren't going to pull out. He got up and grabbed your arm, dragging you back outside. "HEY!" Everyone got up and followed, once he let you go, you rubbed your arm. "What the hell is your deal?!"

"My deal?! You just said you wouldn't play the game!"

"Yeah?! And you shouldn't have played either!"

"You said you'd rather be a loser than a cheater! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" You scoffed, crossing your arms.

"You can't be a cheater when someone's already cheating in the relationship. You. You jack ass." Oikawa smirked from behind you.

"Me? When did I cheat on you? You're just using that as an excuse to kiss Oikawa! You think I don't know about your old high school crush?" Oikawa's smirk fell, you scoffed again.

"You kissed that girl! You jackass. Anyone can tell you guys kissed before!"

"Oh my god, you're being ridiculous."

"Wait..." You looked at the girl from earlier, she walked over looking at your boyfriend confused. "You told me she was your cousin." You began to laugh, the girl looked at you.

"Who's the cheater now?" You slapped him laughing softly. "If you haven't got the memo, I'm dumping you, you fucking loser." Your brother was the first to cheer, Oikawa stayed silent.

"Whatever, I don't need either of you in my life." He walked away, you sighed looking at the girl.

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine," Oikawa asked everyone to give them a second, they all walked away, looking through the window, the girl decided to walk home. You sat down by the fire again, Oikawa sitting next to you once more.

"Hey." You looked over at him for a second.


"I know this is probably the most stupid question to ask, but... are you okay?" You laughed and nodded your head.

"I just... feel stupid." You groaned rubbing your face. "I mean, god, you warned me. And... I... oh my god. I am so sorry, Toru." He nudged your knee.

"Nah. Don't apologize, no matter how right I was, the guy was a fucking loser." You laughed as he copied your words.


"Hey, um, you kind of owe me a kiss, one I've been waiting for well, forever for." You looked at him and smiled.

"Yeah, I do, don't I?" He cupped your cheek and smiled, he presses his lips, softly, but surely to yours. He places his hand on your hip, and you two completely forgot your friends were watching you both. You lift your hand to his cheek. Oikawa was right, your skin is unbelievably soft... but your lips were softer. You brought his face closer sighing into the kiss. You've thought about kissing Oikawa before, you've been friends forever, your brother is on their team. So you've always hung out with the crazy captain. Of course, the fangirls didn't like you, but you didn't care. Oikawa wanted you around. You loved that he did. He brought you closer too, moving his hand to your hair, kissing you softly. "Hm." He smirked into the kiss furring his brows. He grazes at your bottom lip between his and pulls away to take a breath, holding his forehead to yours. He smiles, and his voice shakes.

"That was better than I ever could have imagined it."

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