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Kageyama sighed as he knocked on your door. He doesn't even know why he showed up, it's not like he wants to be here. Your dad can't stand him. "Ah, hello." Your dad put his hands in the pocket of his pants looking at the boy.

"Uh, hello, Mr. L/n." Kageyama gulped as your dad stared him down.

"Kags!" You screamed running down the stairs and jumping into the boy's arms. He quickly put the end of your dress down as you did so, making sure nothing would show before hugging you tightly. Your dad glared at the boy thinking he was just trying to grab your butt before hugging you. Your dad always found Kageyama unworthy of dating you. "Look at you!" You happily exclaim looking at your boyfriend who wore a suit. "I told you not to dress up. It's nothing special." Kageyama had never worn a suit before, he had to get Sugawara to tie his tie for him.

"I wanted to. It is your birthday after all. Plus Sugawara kind of threw it at me and wouldn't let me leave till I was wearing it." You laughed at this, of course, he did.

"Well, you look handsome." He smiled slightly at you as you dragged him inside. He looked around as everyone looked at them both, none looking Kageyama in the eyes. He gulped as you talked to people while he stood there hand on your waist. "And this is my boyfriend, Kageyama. Kageyama this is my aunt." The boy held out his hand, your aunt shook it but wouldn't look him in the eyes. Kageyama sighed before bending down.

"You look beautiful, I'm going to use the bathroom real quick." He whispered to you, making your face red, you nodded your head as he kissed you. "I'll be back." He said before making his way to the bathroom.

"Kageyama dear!" Kageyama stopped as he heard your mother's voice.

"Oh, hi, Mrs. L/n." She smiled at the boy before looking him up and down.

"Nice suit dear."

"Thank you, Mrs. L/n." She laughed before slapping the boy's jacket.

"No need to be formal dear, you can call me mom, or M/n. (Maiden name)." Kageyama laughed nervously.

"Of course, Mrs.... mom?" Your mother laughed at the boy.

"No need to be awkward either. Nor think about leaving out the back." Kageyama opened his mouth to object, but your mother spoke again. "I know you've thought about it because I've thought about it." He laughed at this and nodded his head.

"Not your scene either?"

"Oh god no, before I met Y/n's father I was poor I guess. Now, married to the richest man in the neighborhood, who throws a ball for his daughter every birthday. It's tiring dear. Be glad you always had games. He'd canceled these so she could go to the game. I'd rather be in a sweaty gym than be in a fancy ball, where people talk about how rich they are and how successful their lives have been." Kageyama looked at your mother surprised as she told him the truth.

"Then why do this?"

"He likes to brag that we're real and not fake. Also that.." Kageyama turned around and followed her gaze to your dad as he made you laugh. "You should go to her. She loves you, you know. And no matter what my husband says, I know you love her too. Have you ever told her?"

"Not yet, ma'am." He told her honestly looking back at you.

"You should." Look, your friends made it." Kageyama looked at the doors, seeing the team. "Go." He sighed walking back to you, your dad looked at him coldly.

"Hello, sir."


"Hey, Kags. Wanna dance?" Kageyama looked at you and nodded his head. You kissed your dad's cheek before grabbing Kageyama's hand and dragging him to the dance floor. You placed your arms around his neck as he placed his on your waist pulling you close. "I figured you can use an excuse to be away from my father." He smiled a little before kissing your head.

"You are amazing." You two quickly caught everyone's attention. "Everyone's looking."

"Nervous?" You asked looking up at him, the boy felt his heart melt.

"As long as I'm with you I don't care." You smiled leaning up, giving the boy a quick kiss. He rested his head against yours smiling softly.

You gasped as Kageyama was pulled off you, "R/N!" You screamed as he punched Kageyama. "Kageyama!" Kageyama managed to push him off and punch back. "Boys!" You got in the middle making Kageyama stop, but your ex punched you.  Kageyama's eyes widened as your mouth fell agape. He was quick to punch the boy. Your ex fell at the blow, and the team quickly ran over and held Kageyama back. Sugawara knelt beside you.

"Are you okay, y/n?"

"I'm fine." The crowd looked over at the 14 teenagers who quickly caught their attention.

"What is going on over here?!" Your dad screamed as your mother quickly walked behind him.

"Dear. No screaming, please. Y/n, sweety you okay?" She examined your face.

"I'm fine, mother." You said with a small smile, looking over at Kageyama as Daichi calmed him down. "Kageyama defended me." Her eyes fell to the boy who was burning holes into your ex who lay on the floor.

"Honey." Your dad walked over to Kageyama. "D/n." Kageyama stopped as your dad stopped in front of him. You quickly made your way to them stopping beside them.

"Daddy?" Kageyama never moved his eyes off your dad, but your dad did look at you before looking back at Kageyama.

"You did well." Kageyama sighed before blinky. "Someone get R/n, out of here." The boys let go of Kageyama, and he immediately looked at you.

"Are you okay?" He held your face gently.

"I'm fine, love. Are you?"

"As long as you're okay. I love you." Your eyes widened before a smile fell on your face.

"I love you too." Kageyama smiled and immediately kissed you. He pressed his head to yours as you laughed.

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