Friends to lovers- Sakusa

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"I'm coming." You pressed the doorbell again, "I said, I'm coming Jesus Christ why do people have to be impatient." He opened the door and froze. "Oh, hey, it's you. You are... late. Very late." You sighed giving him a look before walking in. "I was starting to think you weren't coming. What took you so long? You can take a seat in the living room, I figured we could watch funny videos while we eat." You walked into the living room. "Is everything okay? You don't look well."

"Well, thanks."

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant, you look... sick. Do you have a fever or something?"
"No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure that you're okay?"


"Okay if you say so. Luckily I kept the food warm until you came."

"You did?"

"Well, you can never be too sure. I just trust you would've messaged me if you weren't gonna come. Unless you've been in an accident or something like that of course. Um, I'll bring you some food you just wait here..." His words began to drown out and replaced by a ringing noise before everything went black, Sakusa ran to you as you fell. "Y/n? Hey?" He shook you a little before sighing. He picked you up and carried you to his room, placing you on his bed. "Please be okay." He ran downstairs picking up his phone, hesitating. He knows you wouldn't like it if he called the ambulance, so he put his phone down and grabbed a bottle of water instead and waited for you to come through.

When you did however, the ringing returned only for a split second. "Uh, Sakusa?" He walked in and stood by the bed.

"Oh, you're awake."

"Where am I?"

"You're in my bed, I carried you over here after you passed out."

"How long was I out?"

"I'm not sure, but it wasn't too long. How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine."

"Cut the crap and be honest with me."

"Uh, sorry. I've been studying."

"Yeah, figures. You made me really worried there. You know that?"


"I was considering calling the ambulance, but I knew you wouldn't like that."

"Sorry, I'm getting germs all over your bed." You tried to sit up but Sakusa sat in front of you keeping you down.

"No don't get up. You should obviously stay laying down. Just lay still I don't want you to pass out on me again."

"But the germs," You said, trying to sit up again, but he wouldn't let you.

"Just quit being so stubborn and let me take care of you." You froze looking up at him.

"Can you handle the germs?"

"Yes, since you're obviously not capable of taking care of yourself."


"Did you have anything to drink today?"

"Like water?"

"Yeah, I didn't mean alcohol you moron. Water. Did you drink any water or anything fluid in general."

"No... not yet."

"Well, that explains everything for me. Here." He handed you the bottle, letting you sip up. "Did you work as hard as well?"


"You most likely overworked yourself and dehydrated. Under stress and all that's probably gotten to you. You never learn when to stop pushing yourself do you? And you never learn when to drink."

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