Friends to lovers- Ushijima

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Before Ushijima moved next door to you, you always dragged your way home. Another day of hell, school was hell in this situation. Ever since kids found out, your mom died giving birth to you, they always called you a monster. A murder. Which caused bullying. You never understood how it was your fault. And then, at age 11, everything changed. He moved in. You ignored him best you could, not understanding why he tried to befriend you, I'm sure he heard people talking. But one day, you had to bump into him as you dragged your bag beside you, like always. "Y/n!" You stopped looking at the boy in front of you. "What happened? Your limping." You froze, wincing as he touched your arm.

"I-I fell down the stairs." It was true, you did fall, but not on accident, nor on purpose. I'm sure the kids who did it, it was attentional.

"My mom can fix you up, she fixes me up when I get bruises from volleyball." He plays volleyball?

"It's fine, I usually get my dad to do it." You lied, trying to walk past him, only to wince when you put pressure on your foot.

"Isn't your dad out of town? Come on, I can help." You didn't protest to let him bring you to his mom. And that's how the beautiful friendship started.

For two years you and Ushijima had been friends. You were still getting bullied whenever Ushijima wasn't around. And your father was sick of you dragging your feet to your room, and seeing you put up a fake smile for him.

"Y/n, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah." You stopped on the stairs looking down at him.

"I got a promotion, we have to move." You felt your world fall.

"But... I-I don't want to move, I-I like it here."

"Sweetie, you're getting bullied every day. You don't like it here, you just don't want to leave Ushijima. But, I think it's best, I already accepted the job. Pack your things, we leave tonight. Once you're done, say goodbye to Ushijima." With that, your father left. You felt everything fall apart. You packed your stuff and then made your way to Ushijima.

"Oh, Y/n, he's in his room, dear." You smiled and walked up the stairs knocking on his door.

"Come in." You opened the door and smiled seeing him reading.

"Oi, Nerd." He looked up at you, confused once he saw your tears.

"Y/n? Something wrong?" You walked over sitting in front of him, sighing.

"W-We're moving... Toshi... My dad told me we're moving..." Ushijima's face fell.

"What? You can't leave."

"I don't have a choice..." He pulled you into his chest, you sighed and nuzzled more into him. "I don't want to leave you."

"I don't want you to leave either. We can still mail each other, yeah?"

"Yeah, we can."

"Y/n, your fathers here dear, he says time to go." You sighed and looked at Ushijima. His mom left y'all two alone again.

"I'm gonna miss you Toshi."

"I'm gonna miss you, n/n." You looked at him again, quickly but slowly placing your lips onto his. Before pulling away, placing a bracelet into his hand.

"I'll come back for that." He looked at you and smiled, kissing you slowly. "I'll come back for you." You quickly pulled away and got up, walking out the house, and into the moving truck. You looked up at his room, "Goodbye, Ushi."


You were happy with your new school, at least the first year was okay until they found out about your past, you made a friend and trusted her with the secret, which you found out was a mistake. Only deference now, the bullying got physical. "Y/n, can we talk?" Deja vu hit you like a ton of bricks.

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