Rained in- Kageyama

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You were staring at the rain as it poured, your brother, Hinata, was out. You felt... lonely? But somehow... calm? You never told your brother but you always felt this way when he left. Your mom and Natsu, your little sister, were out also. You had the house to yourself, it felt like a horror movie. And just like all horror movies, a loud bang was heard. Jumping in fear you grabbed the closest thing to you. That was your middle school volleyball trophy. It was also sharp, you slowly opened your bedroom door. Walking down the steps quietly, jumping when another bang hit the front door. Switching out the trophy with a knife, your mom kept during emergencies on the shelf by the basement. Put there mostly for Hinata for when he walked down to the basement. Something about the way the living room looked dark and scary, you were about to look through the peephole when you heard a shout. "Boke Hinata Boke!" You immediately relaxed, but you remained annoyed. You opened the door looking at Kageyama. "Oh, it's you." His voice was cold mostly because he was standing in the cold. You sighed and opened the door wider.

"Why are you here?" You leaned the door growling softly.

"It started raining on my way home. You were closer." You stepped to the side, Kageyama stepped in sighing at the warmth. "Where's Hinata?"

"Yachi's." You closed the door behind him looking over at Kageyama.

"Your mom?"

"Out with Natsu, she called earlier, they are stuck at the mall."

"So it's just..." He looked back at you, "Us?"

"Yep." You popped the 'p' and looked at his soaking clothes. "Hinata might have some clothes that will fit you." You ran upstairs digging through your brother's clothes, Finding shorts and a long sleeve baggy shirt. You ran downstairs watching as he took off his shoes and backpack. You ran back upstairs grabbing a towel and placed it into the bathroom with the clothes. You ran back down smiling softly at him. "I-uh, there are clothes in the bathroom and a t-towel. You can go ahead and s-shower..." He looked over at you. Walking up the stairs not giving you a response. Once he was gone you ran to the kitchen, grabbing two glasses of milk setting them on the table. You grabbed some chips and jumped onto the couch. Turning on your tv watching Teen Wolf. You sighed into the side of the couch, suddenly colder. You ran up to your brother's room, grabbing a random hoodie. Something you did when you get cold, you flopped back down on the couch and grabbed the milk, cuddling the pillow as you watched Scott walk through the mountain ash for the first time. You heard the bathroom door open, you snuggled the pillow more into you as you sighed. Turning so your back was to the arm of the couch, your legs brought to your chest and your hands holding the cup of milk on top of the pillow that's now being squished between your knees and your chest. Kageyama walked down taking in the sight of you dozing off slightly, only to jump awake as thunder filled the room. You streaked as you spotted Kageyama, almost dropping your milk. "You almost gave me a heart attack." You placed your cup down and calmed your heart.

"Sorry..." He furred his brows looking down at the milk.

"It's yours." He looked up at you. "I... I overhead H-Hinata that you like milk." He grabbed the cup sitting down beside you.

"W-What are you watching?" You cleared your throat and squeezed the pillow.

"Uh, Teen wolf."

"What's that?"

"It's a supernatural show. It's about Scott who's a true alpha and his pack who are filled with different supernatural creatures, like Kira is kitsune which is a fox. Lydia is a banshee, Malia is a were-coyote, her dad's a werewolf mom a coyote, Liam is a werewolf Scott's beta, Derek is also a werewolf but not a beta, who else... OH, STILES!" Kageyama jumped at how excited you got. "Sorry, Stiles is my favorite, he actually reminds me of you." You said quickly, Kageyama furred his eyes and looked at you. "Sorry, that came out weird, but uh anyway Stiles is human but he's also like a badass. He's sarcastic and loveable. He uses insults and sarcasm to get through problems. Also, he loves threats. I mean Stiles once-" You stopped laughing when you realized who you were talking to, Kageyama Tobio. The guy who you've known since you and your brother went to Karasuno. The guy who doesn't even give you a second glance, the guy who insults your height and gives you sarcasm answers. The guy you sure hate you. Now here you are, comparing him to a fictional character that you admire. How Stiles, only human, gets through the task just by using his brain, like how Kageyama uses his when he goes up against big opponents. Or how Stiles uses threats against others even his friends, same with Kageyama. No matter what you can't help but compare them. Kageyama on the other hand was looking at you curious, you stopped talking and your face fell. Had he said something? Did he give off an annoying impression? He never meant to if he did. "And uh... They have to defeat these other creatures... it's a pretty good show." You huddled into a ball, grabbing your milk, bringing your knees to your chest again hugging your legs softly. You jumped at the power went off, "No, no, no, shit.." You jumped up hitting the coffee table.

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