☁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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I was getting ready for my red carpet in LA. Yesterday I have just landed to be apart of this special event, a lot of well known celebrities were invited and so was I, since recently a indie movie I starred in got attention, the film was called 'Elliott' and I played a character named 'Eloise'.

After that film I gained tons of popularity, my instagram following boosted and so did all my other social media accounts followings, heck I even saw fan pages made just for me! So, this red carpet invite was really special to me, to be apart of something this big, I almost couldn't believe it!

I glanced at my wrist watch quickly, it read 5:47 pm, the red carpet starts at 7 pm!! With that I quickly rushed to my hotel room, hopping in the shower and washing my hair quickly. Once I got out I rushed to my hotel room's bedroom and grabbed my hair dryer with my straightener. I quickly did my hair in the mirror and when I was finished I took a chance to look at myself, my h/l h/c hair was flowing gracefully on my shoulders, I decided to leave it down. I flashed a smile at myself in the mirror, admiring my beauty before I realized I was still in a towel, whoops.

Eventually I walked back to my bedroom and pulled out my planned outfit from my suitcase, this was my first red carpet, so I did not want to look trashy or unprofessional! Who knows who I'll meet there??? I picked out a light colored dress, baby blue, it was so pastel you could barely even tell it was blue, I loved this dress. It had a perfect fit, right above the knee but not showing too much of my thighs, the straps layed effortlessly on my shoulders. I grabbed some cute pure white knee high socks and slipped them on, oh yes I'm going for a soft girl look! After slipping both socks on I grabbed my light blue heels, I loved them, the tip of the heel was rounded so it gave a more cutesy look...

when you're at the red carpet ♡

Once my cab stopped in front of a huge building I slowly climbed out, thanking my driver and tipping him. I stood in awe, I've never seen a building this big up close, it was like a mansion or something? I quickly got snapped out of my thoughts as I heard people calling my name, I looked around and saw tons of people on either sides from the pole gates keeping them separated, in the middle layed a long red carpet, a couple of celebrities walking on it whilst smiling and waving at the cameras. I breathed in a couple of times before plastering a small convincing smile on my lips, walking near to the red carpet until i actualy stood on it, "Miss Y/N!" "Miss Y/N, over here!" "What was your role like as Eloise, Miss Y/N!?" A million of reporters and paparazzi started blurting out my name, trying to earn a reaction or a reply, I couldn't make out what half of them said so I just smiled and waved while I tried to make my way to the entrance, stopping here and there to make a pose for the camera or answering a question for those leaning over the pole with a microphone.

Eventually I got to the entrance and let out a huge sigh of relief, that really took a lot out of me! I started to look around and WOAH there was sure a lot of people here, like ALOT. I smiled at myself, chuckling quietly out of how nervous I was, where should I even go and who should I talk to?? I started to become aware that I was standing there like a idiot, so i started moving, but to where? I passed a few familiar looking faces and ended up by a huge table, it had a white cloth on it with tons of alcoholic drinks, punch and food like shrimp. I figured that I should drink something to look less awkward and misplaced?

I mean, I'm 18 years old... I'm allowed to drink right?? Ugh, I was really having a mental argument with myself aren't I? How lonely are you Y/N! "This one is pretty good." A voice spoke while a arm went around my body, grabbing a bottle of wine, it scared the living shit out of me! I flinched and turned around in slight embarrassment, only to be met by a pair of green eyes locking themselves into mine, he shone me the biggest smile, exposing his dimples, I hesitantly mimicked this expression because of how flustered I was. "You must be Y/N, hmm? I saw the movie you starred in... Oh what was it called?" he started, placing his free hand on his chin, his smile only getting bigger, "Oh yes, that's right! Elliott! Your performance was beautiful might I add." I could feel my face heating up while a smile crept on my face, looking down to hide it, he chuckled softly and reached for a glass to pour himself some wine, "Thanks, I tried my best." I finally replied, that was the best reply you could muster out?? What's wrong with you Y/N!!!

He turned his head slightly, smiling again before he grabbed another glass and poured some wine in it too, I just observed, I knew it was creepy and I had to look away but I couldn't! Y/N you're so creepy... I'm Aidan by the way, Aidan Gallagher. " he spoke while handing me a glass, I nodded, but then realization kicked in, "I know who you are! You played in Umbrella Academy, you OWNED the character Five, no doubt!" shook his head while he chuckled, "Thank you, dear. Is this your first red carpet?" he asked with a amused expression, I sipped my drink before replying, "Yes, it's my first, I'm guessing you can't say the same?" I asked smiling, "Right you are," he said through his smile before sipping the last of his drink and I finished as well, he placed his hands in his pockets, "It's boring isn't it?" boring? what was he talking about, the party? I nodded as a gesture for him to keep going,

"Every year this party's the same. Wanna get out of here with me?" ...

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