☁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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"Why are you like this?"

He chuckled lightly at my comment, I didn't even struggle, I had just accepted my fate. My eyes were glued at the floor, watching his leg movements. Eventually we got to his room, he shut the door behind him and placed me on his bed, chucking my blanket to me as he walked over to his closet.

I watched his every move, just admiring him in general. We've known each other for months, yet I still didn't know if he like liked me or just liked teasing his friends. I don't know. I sighed and furrowed my brows, my eyes drifted downwards. I rolled them slightly at my own thoughts, they're too loud.

Silently I crawled to what I assumed my side of the bed would be, I wrapped myself in my blanket and got under the covers, then I looked over to Aidan again, at this point he was shirtless and wore his pajama pants, my eyes darted to the covers in embarrassment, "Getting comfy?" Aidan asked while he pulled a shirt over his head, "Kinda." I replied, looking up to him, he frowned a bit, " 'Kinda' ? " he asked as he made his way to the bed, shutting the lights off during the process, the lamps now being the only source of light, "Now why are you bummed at that?" I asked playfully as he sat next to me, he grabbed his alarm clock, "Do I make you uncomfortable?" he asked, why would he think that, "No, of course you don't! In fact, I'm the most comfortable around you." I said smiling, I leaned to the side and wrapped my arm around his waist, "Oh really?" he started, looking down at me with a confused expression, "Then why won't you let me see you without your makeup on or with your 'morning' hair, like, ever? You know I won't judge you." my face faltered, I looked at the side as a sheepish grin played on my lips.

"W-Well you see, I..." I started getting nervous, he kept staring, patiently waiting for a answer, "I don't want you to see me at my worse. I want you to keep seeing me at my best, y'know when I'm pretty." I said looking in his but eyes, "You're always pretty, Y/N. I would never think differently of you, even if you looked different, I'll always love you."

Was he serious? I mean to be honest, if I was ugly he probably wouldn't want anything to do with me. Wait did he say he loves me? I started to inspect his face, he looked nervous, "I love you too." I said smiling, pulling him closer and holding him tight, "No, Y/N, I love you. Romantically. It's okay if you don't feel the same though, I just thought you deserved to know." I blushed, I propped my self up from the bed and faced him, his eyes was darting around my face, "I love you romantically too." I said in a whisper, keeping my face neutral, he reached out his hand and held my arm, his warm hand send tingles to my body.

He then leaned in, but I sat still, his head landed on my shoulder. He buried it in the crook of my neck, I lifted my arm and started stroking his hair.

"It's late, hm? If I recall you have a thing going on tomorrow?" I whispered in his ear, he groaned softly, "You're right, love. We should probably go to sleep." he said, not breaking our embrace, "When are you shooting that movie of yours, Y/N?" Aidan asked, referring to a audition I did months ago, "Next week, it's being shot at Europe, I'll miss you." I said sadly, I loved acting and it would be fun if I didn't have someone I love and care deeply for, leaving them everytime I have to do my work.

Aidan broke the embrace and looked at me before he moved to get under the covers as well, he layed down and I did the same as we both put the lights off, "I wish I could go with you." Aidan spoke in the dark, "Can't you come with?" I asked, internally hoping he'd say that he can, "No, I have to shoot my music video." he said, though I couldn't see his face I could imagine him having a frown as he said that.

"Well that sucks." I spoke into the dark quietly, I waited for a response but alas, nothing. All I heard was a soft shuffling noise, was he gettibg ready to sleep? Suddenly something pulled me out my thoughts, no someone. Aidan's arms pulled me to his side.

"I guess we just have to enjoy each others company while we still can."

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 [ 𝐀𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]Where stories live. Discover now