☁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"You know this is my favorite one."

I spoke, holding the gown up in my hands, admiring the dark purple fabric with accents of silver. A cute dark purple bow sewed on the front where my chest would be. He laughed lightly, "I know. It's my favorite too." he said, eyeing my body up and down before he yanked his shirt off, getting himself dressed.

I scoffed before I slipped out of my dress, putting the gown aside as I unbuckled the straps of my heels, tossing them to the side gently. Quickly I slipped into the gown after I pulled my bra off, jumping into the bed quickly as if Aidan and I raced to do this, he chuckled as he came closer, sitting on the bed right next to me.

His hand shot up, cupping my cheek as he looked me over, "Aren't you going to take off your makeup, love?" he asked whilst smiling kindly. My eyes widened, I had forgotten about that, "Oh yeah." I muttered quietly to myself before I swung my legs to the side, walking to the bathroom with a haste, Aidan was.following after me.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself, shoving the negative comments of myself in the back of my head. I grabbed the necessities to wioe the makeup off, grabbing my cotton pad that was laced with the liquid. Aidan's arms were draped around my waist, watching my every move. I gently rubbed the cosmetics off my eyelids, my lips and full on face. He sighed happily with a pleasing smile, burring his face in my side, I giggled as I placed everything back into a little bag that held all my cosmetics.

He then let go as we headed for the bedroom...

I groaned softly as I felt someone shuffle behind me, warmth suddenly leaving my back as this happened. My eyes flickered open once the space next to me was empty, no one was there, I frowned as my hand traced the empty space, my eyes shot upwards once I heard a door creak, my eyes rested on the sight. Aidan stood in front of our closet, looking through his clothes. I sat up slightly, rubbing my eyes and stretching, a loud yawn escaped my mouth. He slowly turned around to look at me.

His gaze softened as the corners of his mouth twitched into a loving smile, "Good morning, love." he said softly before putting his shirt on, I smiled widely, my eyes droopy from just awakening. "Morning." was all I could.cough up, my voice came out raspy.

I shuffled in the blankets, swaying my feet to the ground, wiping my eyes so I could adjust a bit. Aidan walked over to me, now fully dressed. I sat and watched him as he can closer, eventually stopping infront of me. He cupped my face, my eyelids hung, closing my eyes halfly. "I'm making breakfast today. Get dressed." he softly said, kissing my cheek as he let me go.

I got my flushed self together and walked over to our closet.

My feet stepped down the staircase, not even bothering to put on shoes. The smell of toast and cucumber hung in the air as I came downstairs, quietly walking into the kitchen to find aidan in front of the oven, cooking something in a frying pan. He turned around barely to look at me, "You look cute." he said with a dumb smile, I laughed as I walked closer tp him, hovering over his shoulder to see what he was doing.

"Veggie stir fry?" I questioned, "With honey sauce? Is honey even vegan?" I whispered to myself as I furrowed my brows. He laughed quietly at my comment, "You know bees are bugs right?" as soon as he said that I banged my head softly on his shoulder, embarrassed by how dumb I am. "I'm aware." I mumbled as he laughed.

The utensils made a clink noise as they dropped onto my plate, a satisfied smile was plastered on my face, "Thanks for making breakfast Aidan." I thanked as he picked up my dish, taking it to the sink, "No problem, love. After all, you always make breakfast so I should too." he said, smiling softly.

"So what are we doing today?"

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 [ 𝐀𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]Where stories live. Discover now