☁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"What are they like, Y/N?"

Aidan asked quietly, his parents looked at me in awe, awaiting my answer with him. "Well I don't really know to be honest," here we go, "I'm adopted." I started, looking around the room at their shocked expressions before it turned casual again, "My mom I always talk about? She adopted me, her husband died some time back and I don't know my biological parents, but it's alright, I'm happy with the family I have. " I said, a smile forming on my lips, Aidan's parents mirrored my expression as they continued eating, "I'd love to meet your mom one day, Y/N." Aidan spoke, smiling kindly, "Us as well." his mother chimed in, I chuckled as I nodded my head, picking more food up from my plate.

"I'd say that was a success." I said quietly as Aidan and I scrubbed the plates, his parents has left a hour or so ago, I saw him nod in the corner of my eye, "They really like you." he said with a smirk, his eyes fixated on a plate, "You really think so?" I asked amused, "I don't think so, I know so, darling. " I blushed at his words, we've been dating for a while yet his words was able to still stir me up.

"Pfft." I finished my plate and placed it in the drying rack before turning around, walking out of the kitchen. While walking I heard a faint nose before hearing subtle foot steps, "Where do you think you're going?" his voice asked as he grabbed me by my waist to force me to look at him, "I'm going to bed, dummy." I spoke with a smirk, my hands tracing his jawline as we stared at each other, "Without me? I thought you'd wait for me." he said pouting, I laughed and booped his nose, then I attempted to get out of his grip, big mistake.

His grip tightened as his smile grew wider, his eyes darkening, suddenly in a swift motion he threw me over his shoulder, carrying me like a sack of potatoes. I squirmed a bit before giving in, letting my body go limp as I laughed at this. He walked around the house, putting off all the lights before eventually heading upstairs, his steps echoed the hallway as we got to the bedroom. He flicked on the light before throwing me on the bed, he lingered over my body. I blushed and furrowed my brows, a lopsided smile found itself on my face.

He chuckled lowly before leaning down, smashing his lips on mine. Our lips moved in perfect sync, he pulled back slightly so I could get a chance to breathe. My breath hitched as I tried to catch some air, my time being cut short once he leaned back in, roughly kissing me, his one hand roaming my body, stroking my waist up and down.

His head moved, his lips traced my face, from my mouth to my mouth's corners, my jawline, until it found it self on my neck, my hand shot up and ruffled his hair gently. He kissed my neck and sucked on it a bit, groaning as he did so. I laughed quietly before accidentally letting a whimper slip out once his hand squeezed my thigh, he lifted his head and looked in my eyes, a teasing smirk evident on his face, "You're enjoying this aren't you? I like those little noises you make." my eyes widened, I could feel my whole face becoming red, radiating heat from where I laid, I smiled at him and caressed his face, "What's it to you?" I whispered, I didn't mean to whisper but it just happened.

He glared before quickly moving his head back to my next biting roughly at a spot I was convinced would be noticeable from 7 feet at least. I squeeled in surprise, letting out a quiet moan. My eyes fell slightly, I leaned it back on the mattress, yawing audibly. His head perked up, his expression was curious and kind, much different from before, "Are you tired, love?" he asked softly, my expression softened as I lifted my head up, "A bit, but we can continue this if you want?" I suggested, though I knew well the mood was ruined by my dumb ass yawning.

I was really tired though, I couldn't keep my eyes open. His parents coming over really drained me, all the smiles and laughter really burned me out. I really liked where this was going but the only thing I could think of was sleeping. He shook his head, "No, tonight was very tiring and you need some sleep," he pointed out as he caressed my face, "Your health is very important, Y/N." he smiled before getting off of me, I frowned softly, missing the warmth above me.

I looked at him, he was headed for his closet, I got up myself and walked up to him, checking in the closet as well. He grabbed his pajama pants and his pajama shirt. I looked over at him and saw him subtly smile as he reached for something in the closet, I looked over his hands to see what it was. He handed it to me.

"You know this is my favorite one."

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 [ 𝐀𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]Where stories live. Discover now