☁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"Yeah? We'll see about that."

I giggled to myself as he got out of the car, making his way to my side and opening the car door for me, he bowed, "M'lady." he spoke in a british accent, I cringed and stepped out, he shut the door and smiled at me before taking a hold of my hands. "Oh, Aidan! Shouldn't we have brought rollerskates?" I asked slightly worried, "R-roller skates.. W-why of course. This is a roller skating park for roller skating ." he explained to himself, a shocked look painted on his face.

I rested my free arm on my hip, he slowly looked at me with a nervous glance, "You forgot to bring it, didn't you?" I asked with a gentle smile, "Maybe." he said with a sad smile, "I'm so sorry, Y/N! I wanted to make this special and hang out with you but I uh... failed." he said rubbing his neck.

"It's okay, Aidan." I said looking his eyes, "There's always a next time." he looked slightly relieved, he puffed out some air he was holding in, "Thank God. I thought you would be mad- No furious!" he scrambled, drama laced his voice, I laughed at his silliness.

He then turned around and led me to the car, "Come on, it's still early. Maybe we can get something at a diner? My treat." he said while he opened the car door for me, I nodded and got in.

We stopped by a diner, the radio was playing quietly as Aidan turned the car off, silencing the radio. He looked over to my side, staring. I could feel him stare, I slowly dragged my eyes to his hands, my eyes moving it way up until it found his, we sat like this for a moment, admiring each other. "I'm hungry." I started, breaking our tension, "Me too." he said unbuckling his seatbelt, getting out.

When we got inside, I observed the place, It looked clean and normal. Aidan grabbed my hand as he led me to a table, earning a few stares from people, I just brushed it off. We sat across from each other, my hands rested on the table as he cleared his throat, "I haven't been to this place in years, it looks pretty different now." he said looking around, "This place is pretty nice though, thank you for bringing me here." I said smiling, looking in his eyes.

As we were looking at each other, we barely noticed a pair of two girls standing by our table, we glanced over to them. I assumed they were friends, both their arms were linked, one of them was blonde as the other was brunette, their faces expressed excitement. "A-Are you Aidan Gallagher?" the blonde started, "And Y/N L/N?" the brunette finished, Aidan and I quickly glanced at one another, I caught a brief smile from him. "That's who we are, ladies." Aidan replied, sending a friendly grin, they both squeeled loudly, "Really???? We love your works!" both of them exclaimed, "Aw, that's sweet." I spoke quietly, sending a sweet smile, it was pretty much forced but I was sure they didn't notice, I was pissed that they ruined our 'date'.

Their eyes sparkled as each one of them pulled out paper and a pen, simultaneously putting in on the table, "Please give us a autograph!" they exclaimed at the same time. I loved being adored like this, Aidan and I quickly scribbled our signatures on both papers, handing it back to them. They both looked at it with bewilderment, their eyes grew wide. "No way, no way!" the brunette exclaimed, "We got our autographs!" the blonde countered, Aidan and I laughed at their excitement.

"Hey, I know this might be annoying, but maybe we take a picture?" the blonde questioned, the two friends stared, waiting for a answer, "Of course. But first, tell me your names." Aidan smirked, wtf, "She's Emma!" the brunette said loudly, pointing at the blonde, "And she's Casey!" the blonde loudly said, pointing at the brunette.

"It's nice to meet you both!" I said happily, they seemed like such good friends. "Alright then, Casey and Emma. I believe we have a photo to take." Aidan said, briefly looking over to me, Emma pulled out her phone, the pair turned around. Emma held the camera high as we four fixed our best smiles. I set out a relieved sigh as I heard the camera click. Emma brought her camera close to herself and Casey, both of them examining the picture. They swiftly turned around, beaming satisfied smiles, "Thank you so much for the autographs and pictures!" Casey exclaimed, "This is the best day ever!" Emma squeeled excitedly as they both turned around to walk back to their booth, arms still linked.

Aidan and I stared at eachother s
for a moment before bursting into laughter, "That was so sweet! They're adorable." I said wheezing, "Was that your first time experiencing something like that?" Aidan asked, holding his stomach, "Yeah! It was pretty exciting though, having someone adore you like that. I think I could get use to this." I said, looking at my hands before looking back up to him again, "That's what you say now." he chuckled, I raised my eyebrow in amusement.

Right then the waiter came by our table, he held a notepad and a dull expression, "Good evening and welcome to this diner." he spoke, keeping his eyes to his notepad, "I'm Robert and I'll be serving you this evening." he said glancing to us, his face faltered when it landed on me, "Y/N L/N?" he whispered to himself before holding his dull expression once again, "Do you two have your orders in mind?" he asked sighing.

I just noticed Aidan and I haven't gotten the chance to check over our menus, "Not quite yet." Aidan replied, smiling to the man, Robert nodded, "Alright I'll be back in a while then." Robert said, rolling his eyes and walking away.

Aidan and I picked up our menus

"He seems friendly."

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 [ 𝐀𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]Where stories live. Discover now