☁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"Well it's important to me."

He mumbled, loud enough for me to hear, I glanced over to him. "I love you." I quietly said, he faced me and smiled brightly, "I love you too."

Aidan's parents were coming over for dinner, so that meant I had to get the house ready for guests, of course Aidan helped me clean it too. We sweeped the floors and put some things in their place, the house wasn't that untidy since I cleaned it everyday. After we cleaned up a bit we went upstairs, going to our room to get changed.

Aidan and I walked to the closet, since we shared it, but he went to the side with the shelves to get himself a shirt and pants. I went over to the side where all our special clothes hung and my dresses. I picked out one of my favorite mid length dress, it was baby blue, same color of fabric wrapped at the waist to make some type of bow like belt. It had thin straps with a heart shaped kneck.

After we both got dressed, Aidan wearing a suit, ( I thought it was a little overdressed but okay ) I went downstairs, I was finished with my look. I just had to focus on dinner now, Aidan was doing who knows what.

I started grabbing ingredients left and right, they were going to be here in a hour. A HOUR. So I decided to make something easy and quick, vegan pasta. I swiftly turned on the oven as I grabbed a pot, filling it with water and placing it on the stove, getting a bag of pasta from the cupboard. I dumped it all in and took out a bowl, making the sauce for the pasta as it boiled. The sauce was vegan based of course,  this sauce looked like a rich cream or cheese sauce, it’s actually a tangy, luscious blend of white beans, lemon juice, and nutritional yeast.

I grabbed a pan and threw in some onions and broccoli, cooking the raw vegetables a bit. I turned off the stove and took off the pasta and veggies. Placing the boiling pot of pasta on a cutting board I dumped the veggies into the sauce, placing the pan in the sink. I took out a huge bowl made from glass and strained the pasta, throwing it into the bowl. Then I dumped the sauce into the bowl and mixed it a bit, then I began setting up the dining table.

"Looks good." Aidan spoke, walking down the stairs. I stood back from the table, taking in the few, I dusted off my dress, "Thanks." I said smiling, he came next to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. "So what's for dinner? It smell good." he said whilst smiling. "Veggie pasta?" I shrugged.

He walked over the dining table, checking it over, "Sounds good." he spoke.

We both turned our heads to the front door, hearing the doorbell ring, it echoed throughout the house. We looked at eachother for a moment before walking over to it together, he grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open gently. There on the other side stood his parents, they were both dressed appropriately, of course.

"Aidan! Y/N!" his mother beamed, inching towards us to hug us both. "Miss! Welcome!" I managed to squeak out as I hugged her back. "Miss? Oh pfft! Please Y/N, dear. Call me Lauren!" she laughed as she pulled away from us, she then walked inside swiftly, "Oh my, it smells good in here!" she sang as she roamed the place, I giggled before my eyes landed on Aidan's dad, he held a polite smile and stuck out his hand towards me. I looked up at him and smiled kindly before shaking his hand, "Good evening, Mister." I spoke softly, "It's Rob, Y/N." he said kindly, "Oh alright! Please come in!" I said as I moved out his way, he walked in. I smiled at Aidan before closing the door subtly.

"Aww that's adorable!" I spoke, nudging Aidan's arm, he was sitying next to me. We've all started eating dinner and were now on the topic of discussion : Aidan's birth story. Lauren told me of when he was a baby he was born smiling in laughing, where other children were quiet or full on crying. "So, Y/N. As far as I know Aidan hasn't met your parents yet? And you two are official, hmm?" Lauren spoke casually, while picking up some pasta with her fork, my smile faltered a bit at the word 'parents', I only had my mom. Heck she wasn't even my biological mom, my foster dad had died a few years ago. I never really met or traced my biological parents...

"Y/N?" Aidan whispered next to me, nudging my arm. I hadn't noticed that I spaced out for so long, "O-Oh." I stuttered quickly, trying to find the words to speak, "Well, I mean..." I trailed off suddenly, "If he really wants to, he can meet them...?" I said with my brows furrowed, looking to my plate. That accidentally came out as a question, God Y/N you're so fucking hopeless! My eyes wandered back to Aidan's parents infront of us, guilt flushing over me, did I make it awkward?

"What are they like, Y/N?"

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 [ 𝐀𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]Where stories live. Discover now