☁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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"Let me give you a ride." I made my way to the kitchen counter and grabbed my keys, "Oh? You really don't have to, Y/N." I led him to the car as we both grabbed the car handles, "Please, insist."

My car stopped in front of a decent looking apartment, nothing to fancy but you coild see that it was clearly not cheap, I stared in awe and barely noticed Aidan staring at me, "Would you like to go in with me? I wouldn't mind." he said, breaking my focus on the apartment, he sheepishly grinned while rubbing the back of his neck, "Sure why not?" I replied with a smile, we both hopped out of the car and made our way into the apartment.

His place was nothing out of the ordinary, it looked pretty basic to say the less. He had some plants here and there, he led me to his living room, "Wait in here, okay? I promise we can go do something when I'm done." he spoke with a smile before leaving the room, I couldn't help but think though. Did he really want to hang out with me? Did he feel like he needed to just because of the situation, me being in his apartment? I really feel like a burden now huh? I mean he's this big shot celebrity and now he's hanging out with a nobody like me.

Softly after he entered the room, "And see! I'm back. I was quick wasn't I?" he asked chuckling, "Yes you were," ugh I bet I sound so dumb right now, "Where are you planning to do this early?" I asked with a smile, he returned it before throwing himself of the couch next to me, "I have no idea." he said with a wide grin, I still couldn't shake the feeling that I was wasting his time. For fucks sake Y/N! For all you know e could be playing with your feelings and you're too ignorant to notice! "Why are you hanging out with me?" I blurted out without thinking, shit Y/N! His eyes widened as his grin faltered, "What do you mean? Do you not like this?" he said nervously, shit I didn't mean it like that! "No, no!! I love this, being with you. You make me so happy, I haven't been this happy in a while..." I said looking down, my face flushed red as I smiled to myself, "I just didn't know if you felt the same? I feel like such a burden. You're such a great person and I'm not like that, I'm boring and my replies are weak, I feel so uninteresting." I spat, therw you go Y/N, you spilled all your beans! Now he's going to think you're some insecure prick! "Woah Y/N!You're not a burden at all! I have never felt this way when hanging out with someone... If anything you make me feel like I have a purpose, like I'd hive up everything just for you, I think you're interesting, I love talking to you and listening to your rambles. You make me happy too." he finished, pulling my hands into his and rubbing his thumbs over my knuckles. We both stared at each other smiling, just enjoying one another's presence.

Geez Y/N, you met the guy yesterday and you're already planning the wedding?! Get realistic. "How about we just stay in today? With each other, watching TV?" Aidan asked, not breaking our eye contact, "I would love that, Aidan."

Two weeks have passed, which meant I had to leave LA and go back to Y/H/T. I didn't want to leave tho, I wnated to love here, but I wasn't sure if there were any homes I could buy? I mean if I was going to live in LA I'm not living in a hotel room... I started dialing in a number on my phone before hearing it softly ringing, I placed it to my ear as I looked out of the window, "Y/N? Hello,dear. Is something wrong?" Y/MN, my mother, started, "Hi, mom. Everything is okay, uhm... Do you think it's possible for me to move to LA... Like live here...?" I said, my eyes were focused on the road outside, from the distance I could see a car coming closer, "Move to LA...? Did you meet a boy or something?" my cheeks flushed red as my eyes darted my room, "W-well... NO! I just really like it here!" I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously, just then I looked up to the window again to see a familiar figure getting out of the car, "Oh really? Tell me all about him, right now! Then I may consider it!!" she said as she squeeled into the other side of the call, I flinced at the unexpected shrieks, "Mom, please calm down," her giggles were audible and present, "I'll tell you all about him when we have more time. So is it okay if I stayed here?" I asked as I shone a smile even though I was aware she couldn't see me, "Of course, dear. I don't even know why you asked me, you're a grown woman after all." she replied sweetly, I smiled sheepishly, "I just wanted it to be okay with you. I know dad's not there ans I didn't want you to be alone." I sighed quietly before hearing someonw knocking on the door, I made my way to it while still holding the phone to my ear, "Oh, that's so thoughtful Y/N. But I have Becky to keep me company!" she laughed into the phone softly, I smiled at the thought of Becky, a kitten I gave to my mom as a present on her birthday.

"I guess you do have company," I flinged the door open to find Aidan standing in front of me, "I'll call again, mom. Bye." I said as she mumbled her goodbyes before ending the call, I breathed out in relief as I lowered my phone to my pocket, "Hey, Aidan." I said with lopsided smile as I moved out of the way for him to walk in, "Afternoon, love." he made me internally squirm.

"I have great news!"

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