☁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"Goodnight Aidan." I said as I drifted into sleep...

My alarm blasted loudly, causing me to wake up with groan, I turn it off before looking to my side to find Aidan, sleeping peacefully. I guess he is a heavy sleeper, I smiled to myself before making my way out of the bed carefully.

First I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and clean myself up, then I quickly slipped on a huge sweater with a frilly skirt, some knee high white shocks and some flat shoes. Satisfied with my appearance I headed to the kitchen to cook some breakfast, it was then I remembered that Aidan was vegan, I scanned my fridge for idea's only to find none, this sucks.

I checked the time, 7:30 am. Store would be open by now right..?? Ugh, there's only one way to find out! Quickly I pulled out my phone and grabbed my keys as I made my way to my car whilst reading through google for ideas, ' Vegan waffles ' ? That sounds easy!

When I got home from my ' mission ' I checked the time again, 8:21 am, I mean... I didn't take that long. As I went inside it was still dead quiet, I peeped into my bedroom to see Aidan still sleeping, Jesus. In the kitchen I started with the dish, grabbing a non dairy based milk called ' almond breeze ' , the article said it would give a ' buttermilk ' taste, that's good I think? I through it in the bowl with the other ingredients like whole grain wheat, a dash of cinnamon, a splash of vanilla, coconut oil and baking powder. After I mixed it all I placed it into my waffle maker and took some fruits out of my fridge to wash them off, then I grabbed a cutting board and chopped the fruits into pieces. As I was making my way to the grocery bag to pull out some syrup I heard a groan and footsteps getting closer, finally he was awake. I turned around with a small smile, "Good morning, sleepy head." he smiled groggily, he was definitely not a morning person, he then sat on one of the chairs by the counter I was working on, "Good morning... What are you making?"

He asked, "Breakfast. Don't worry, I made sure it's vegan!" I replied as I inverted my attention to the waffle maker, the light shone red, indicating that it wad finished, "Aw, you went through all that trouble for me?" he said, laughing softly, "Mhm," I stalled, I wanted to talk more but my attention was on the breakfast I was making, it had to look decent. After putting it in a plate with maple syrup and some fruits I placed it in front of him, pouring a glass of orange juice, "We sure stayed up late, huh?" I started, chuckling quietly, placing the glass next to his plate and handing him some utensils, "Yeah, I'm so tired, it was fun though." he said as he looked down at his breakfast, "Thanks for this, I appreciate it." he said sending me a smile as he looked up, I shrugged, "Anytime, amigo."

"Where's yours?" he asked while sipping his juice, "Don't worry about me, I'll eat later." I said nervously, "Oh come on, I don't want to be the only one eating!" he spoke with a smile, I laughed before pouring more of the mixture into the waffle maker, closing it and turning it on by the outlit, "You won't be the only one for long then." I said leaning towards him, he averted his eyes down and continued eating, I could tell his face was red while he held a wide grin. I smiled to myself in thought of this.

"So are you doing anything today?" Aidan asked, we were both sitting in the living room, staring at the tv, "Hm, I think I have a audition today? Lydia told me about it, I should be there at 3 pm tho." I said with a smile, I then glanced at the clock that stood in the living room, 9:16 am, "Oh alright, that's good?" I nodded, "How about you?" I asked politely, "I was thinking of doing a live stream later, yknow, for my fans." he said with a grin, I playfully scoffed, "By fans you mean those 14-16 year old girls who simp for you and think if they ever met you it would be some kind of fan fiction plot?" he then laughed loudly as I laughed with him, "I'm speechless." he said while holding a grin, "So am I when I see myself in the mirror." I said, laughing at my own joke, "Oh ha ha ha." Aidan said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes playfully, he then let out a sigh as he focused his gaze in the television again.

"You told me last night you don't live around here right? Where do you originally come from?" Aidan asked curiously, I smiled slightly, "I'm from Y/H/T (Your Home Town)" Aidan smiled, "I've never been there before! Who would've thought someone as beautiful as you could come from a place like that." he complimented, I blushed and waved him off with my hand, "Oh stop!" I said, I could feel a smile forming on my face, "Stop what?" he asked as he leaned closer to me, he turned my head to look at him, "You know what." I said grinning, we were staring at each other, a silent battle was going on as we stared at one another, "You should probably change your clothes." I said as my eyes averted to his clothes, he looks down as well, "Oh yeah totally." he then stood up and walked to the door, "Hey, where are you going!" I yelled, standing as well, following him, I then blocked the door as he was reaching for the doorknob, "I'm going home to change." he replied with a smile, I shook my head.

"Let me give you a ride." I made my way to the kitchen counter and grabbed my keys, "Oh? You really don't have to, Y/N." I led him to the car as we both grabbed the car handles, "Please, insist."

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 [ 𝐀𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]Where stories live. Discover now