☁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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"I have great news!"

I shreeked excited, "Oh? You're pregnant?" he joked with a fake broken expression, "What! No! Don't be so silly!" I exclaimed as I playfully punched his shoulder, "Okay then what's it really?" he asked rolling his eyes, "I'm thinking about moving to LA! I just need to find a apartment though." I said looking down, finding homes is always so difficult, "What really! That's great!" he said before picking me up and spinning me around, I giggled at this gesture, he's so cute. "Y/N! You can live with me!"

Live with Aidan... That would be weird, we didn't even know eachother for that long, for all I know he could be the fakest piece of shit ever and I'm believing a fake image. "Really?" I asked brushing away all my worry, "Of course! I would love to have you around!" that statement drove me crazy, he wanted me around him?? I could feel my cheeks burn up, "I mean, I could. But I'll still pay my part!" I said looking to my side, "We can split the rent?" he negotiated, "Yes, let's do it!!" I exclaimed excitedly...

- August 3rd 2021, A month after moving with Aidan -

I'm living with Aidan... I AM LIVING WITH THE AIDAN GALLAGHER!! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT, was this a dream? Or some fan fiction written by a hopeless romantic 14 year old girl??? I mean this had to be real, I pinched myself only to feel the prick of pain on my skin, I sighed in content.

I slept in Aidans guest room and we payed the rent together, it was almost like we were a couple... But we're just friends. I was waiting for Aidan to come home, he left earlier for interviews or something so o was left by myself, he said he'd take me somewhere tonight. To think of it, next month I'd have to fly to New York because that's where I'm going to shoot my next movie, I couldn't bare the thought of leaving Aidan's side, fuck that sounded cheesy didn't it?

My head wipped over as I heard the door creak open, Aidan was home!! I got up like a excited dog seeing it's owner after a long day of waiting, my imaginary tail was wagging. "Y/N/N, I'm home!!" he exclaimed as he threw his coat off, "Aidannnn, it's been foreverrrr!" I said, dragging my words and myself over to him, "Miss me?" he said as he extended his arms out so I could hug him, I fell right into his arms, "So much." he giggled into my ear, my smile became visible, "How did the interview go?" I asked as we parted.

"It was okay, you just have to answer alot of questions, laugh at their jokes and pretend to be interested in what they say." Aidan rambled, rolling his eyes here and there. I blushed as I realized our hands were intertwined, "Are you hungry?" I asked with a smile, "I am actually." he said laughing, our hands separated as I made my way to the kitchen, him following me.

I made him some vegan burgers, during the process of making it, he watched my every move. Now he sat on the opposite of the counter eating his food happily, I ate with him and secretly admired him. Imagine having a married life with Aidan Gallagher. Helping eachother with everything and being one. That's the dream, dreams are fake.

Aidan and I were sitting on the couch, watching a random TV show, I mean he watched it every night but I don't have much interest in it, I pulled out my phone to see the time is 6:24 pm, 6:30 pm is usually when this show's episodes end. I scrolled on instagram to pass the time a bit before feeling the couch get lighter a bit, Aidan stood up, I looked up and saw him staring down at me, "Go get dressed, we're going somewhere." he said with a soft smile, I obeyed and went to my room.

I got dressed in a light blue dress, it had long sleeves and it only reached above my knees, I put on some mary janes with white tube socks and curled my hair a tiny bit. I walked in the living room to see him sitting in the couch waiting for me, he looked over, "You look beautiful." he said smiling with a tint of pink in his face, he stood up and made his way to me, "Thank you." I blushed and looked down, he got to me and grabbed my hands, he dragged me out of the apartment to his car.

ROLLER SKATING. He took me roller skating! I screamed internally out of excitement as he stopped infront of the roller skating rank, "I hope you can rollerskate." he said with a sheepish grin, did he think it would act out like one of those romcoms where person A teaches person B to skate and person B keeps stumbling around? HE WAS WRONG. "I'm a master at rollerskating." I smirked as I leaned in, he sent a smile.

"Yeah? We'll see about that."

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 [ 𝐀𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]Where stories live. Discover now