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you did what you
thought you had to.

11:30 p.m.

quackity, karl, dream and sap have been putting george's things in the back of a u-haul pick up truck that they've rented, george is putting away the posters he put up on his walls, karl and the boys didn't want to touch them because they didn't want to destroy any of them.

george puts the last poster in the flat cardboard box. he sighs and sits on his mattress that no longer has his bedsheets or duvet on them.

"hey, can i talk to you?" sapnap says, coming into the empty room that once housed his boyfriends best friend, "oh, yeah! what's up sap?"  george says, looking at sapnap who has a sad expression on his face.

"i'm sorry i didn't do anything more. i was your roommate but i was your friend too. i let you shut yourself in and i'm sorry about that." sapnap chokes back some of his tears, george just stares at him with a confused yet sympathetic look.

george finally smiles fondly at his friend, "sapnap, you only did what you thought was right, i appreciate everything you have ever done for me." george says as he looks around his room that he never left.

"you didn't tell me off even when i was being obnoxiously loud, you didn't let anyone talk badly about me, you gave me what you thought i needed." george says, getting up from his bed to give his friend a hug.

"i'm glad i've lived with you for four years. i'm glad i had someone as patient as you. i'm sorry i closed myself off to you. i'll do a better job at showing you i care about you." george says, tears streaming down his face.

sapnap smiles and hugs george tighter "we should play minecraft again! no... we should play it everyday. i miss it." he says as he sniffles. "of course we can, you're my bestfriend." george says, pulling away from the hug and smiling at sapnap.

"thank you. for the four wonderful years." sapnap says.

"dude i'm not dying.." george says, playfully rolling his eyes.

"i'm sure dream will find a reason to kill you or something" sapnap jokes back.

they both laugh at their idiocy and  head out the room door, george looks into his old empty room and smiles to himself.

"you were one of my favorite memories." he says quietly, closing the door for what seems like the last time.

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