Chapter 9: Dating?

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♤Season 8, Episode 5♤

Angela sips her coffee as she makes herself some pancakes. As they are cooking, she pulls out her journal to start writing like her therapist recommended. She starts writing about growing up. Spending time with Alex and Aaron. Basically parenting Amber and her mom. Getting through med school by herself. She's journaling for so long that her pancakes start to burn and set off the smoke alarm, "Crap! Crap!"

Quickly removing the pancakes and turning the alarm off, Angela looks down at the burnt pancakes before sighing, "Muffin at the coffee cart it is."


Teddy skips up to Angela as she eats her muffin and finishes journaling, "Hey, A. You still on to make it to dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, T. I'm good," Angela brushes her off, continuing.

"Okay," Teddy sits next to her, "What are you doing?"

Angela sighs, closing her journal and heads to grand rounds, "My therapist told me that I need to start journaling. So, I'm journaling and hoping it fixes me because whenever I'm sleeping alone, I wake up screaming. O-or I have nightmares. Last week, that patient that I passed onto you, he looked so much like Sargent Ryan, I went into a tailspin."

Teddy shakes her head in confusion, "I-I'm sorry, Sargent Ryan?"

"The last man standing beside me from that IED. I-I started freaking out as soon as I saw him. I managed to tell Yang that it was your case before I had a full blown panic attack in an on-call room," Angela shrugs, sitting down in the auditorium.

"I saw you 30 minutes after you rounds. You were completely put together, how?"

Angela gives her a sad smile, "PTSD and other mental illnesses make people seem crazy and untrustworthy. If I looked unhinged, I'd get fired, no questions asked. I may have served my country and lost my mind doing it, but that doesn't mean I have job security now."

Thankfully, Callie and Arizona pull Teddy's attention. Angela catches Callie whisper to Mark, "You're not invited."

"Yes he is, he's my date."


She nods, "Of course, as his girlfriend, I don't see who else I would take."

Catherine Avery's voice echos, "Wake up, everybody. I know, I know, it's grand rounds, where we have to sit and listen to somebody talk about how somebody did something and here's how they did it, and there's not enough coffee in Brazil for this. Well, not today. Today we are going to do. Today I'm gonna change a life and maybe make medical history, too. And I can't do it alone, so who wants to step into the future with me?"

Kepner shouts, "Whoo!"

As everyone turns to look at her, Catherine continues, "Okay. Thats-thats all right. That's a start. Let's see if I can get a few more. Ryan, honey, would you come out here, please? Everybody, this is Ryan."

"How much do you want to bet we're about to see his penis?" Angela whispers to Callie and Teddy.

Teddy slaps her leg as Callie chuckles. Catherine proves her right, "Ryan, could you show everybody what we're here to do today?"

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