chapter 9

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benny's pov

My mom has called the hospital to check up on destiny and she's only gotten worse. destiny asked us not to tell alicia because she doesn't want her to waste her summer worrying about destiny.
Me and Alicia arrived at vincent's and now we were just waiting on ham.

kenny: hey lovebirds
alan: so y'all dating yet
alicia: shut up, we'll probably never date
benny: probably? you don't think we could date?
alicia: i mean-
jose: hey babe
squints: who are you
jose: i am-
benny: a pain in the ass
alicia: a bitch, whore, asshole, hoe, cheater...and desperate.
jose: you know you want me so why not just ditch these losers and come with me mamí
benny: don't call her mamí
jose: why not? it's not like her boyfriend's here, oh wait she doesn't have one
benny: she does, and it's me and i don't share what's mine.

at this point me and jose are only a few inches away from each other. and yes i know me and alicia aren't together but i don't care at the moment, i just don't like jose calling her mamí or flirting with her. so i'll do anything to get him to leave alicia alone.

jose: if y'all two are together then prove it
benny: how-
jose: kiss.

well fuck. i didn't think this through, which i never do, but nothing like this ever happens, i just end up getting hit or pushed usually. But now i might have to kiss my best friend and crush? which i wouldn't mind but i don't know how she feels.

alicia's pov

benny was being protective of me, per usual. except this time he said we were dating and that i was his, which i wish was true, but now isn't the time to fantasize. jose said that benny needed to prove that we were together by kissing me, and benny hasn't done anything but look at me, clueless of what he should do.

jose: exactly, y'all ain't together, which is why y'all won't kiss

i'm gonna do something stupid now.

I went up to benny pulled his face closer to my face and kissed him on the lips.

benny's pov-

she kissed me. the person i like just kissed me on the lips and i didn't even kiss back.
she stopped and just looked at me with hurt. without thinking i kissed her on the lips and wrapped my hands around her waist. She put her hands on both sides of my face and kissed back.

jose ended up walking off as soon as i kissed her.

we were still kissing, it seemed like a long passionate, deep kiss. we stopped kissing and just stared at each other. the kiss was just like heaven.
i like alicia a lot, more than a lot, everything about her is perfect how can i not like her. i love her, i truly do, and i know if i don't love her in a relationship way, i will soon, and the love i'll have for her won't just be as a friend anymore.

ham: oh shit!
bertram: seriously ham they were having a moment.
kenny: and you just fucked it up.
squints: good job ham
alan: yeah, yeah
benny: uhm-
alicia: we should stop now i guess
benny: right

with that i let go of her waist.

we finally got to the pool, and we already paid. i paid for me and alicia.
on the way here me and alicia were walking in silence next to each other, it was awkward and comfortable at the same time. the boys kept talking about what happened and kept teasing me, every once in a while they would tease alicia but they're all scared of her so they didn't do it often.


after a little bit of playing with the boys and alicia in the pool, the boys stopped and started staring at wendy peffercorn. squints is practically in love with wendy.

benny: aw man
alan: yeah-yeah too cruel
timmy: she don't know what she's doin
tommy: she don't know what she's doin
benny: yeah she does, she knows exactly what she's doin

i had my arms wrapped around alicia since she was standing in front of me.

squints: i've swam here every summer of my adult life.. And every summer there she is, lotioning, oiling, oiling, lotioning, smiling, smiling. i cant take this no more! move!
smalls: what's wrong with him?
ham: what's he doing?
kenny: three summers of this. i think he finally snapped.
alan: i don't know but that's the deep end and squints can't swim.
alicia: oh shit

squints jumped into the deep end. we all started shouting and went towards the diving board.

wendy dived into the water and got squints to the surface and started giving him cpr, everybody was saying something like "come on squints" or "he looks like a dead fish" - bertram got hit by alicia when he said that. then we saw squints open his eyes and smile but then went back to acting dead?
before we knew it squints kissed wendy peffercorn, of course she wasn't happy about it so we got kicked out.  we got our stuff and started walking to our houses.

ham: you guys he planned that!
alicia: i didn't think you could come up with a plan like that- let alone go through with it, good job squints.
squints: thanks alicia
benny: you're encouraging him?
alicia: yeah i guess... more confidence than you

she mumbled the last part but i still heard her

benny: i still heard you
alicia: oh uhmm *laughs nervously*
benny: it's fine, your not wrong, sorry i didn't kiss you the first time, it was my first kiss
alicia: it's fine don't worry about and it was mine too.

me and alicia held hands for the rest of the walk home, it wasn't long til it was just me and her. we kept talking about random stuff.
once we got home we both took showers and ate dinner, after we ate dinner we went to my room and laid on my bed, she fell asleep first with her head on my chest and her arms wrapped around me.
i didn't know what we were at this point, i just knew we weren't just friends anymore, which i didn't mind. 
i soon fell asleep, because i was tired and because i didn't wanna worry about what me and alicia's relationship is.


i finally updated it, i hope y'all like it <3
have a wonderful week

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