Part 1

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There had been high Foot activity on the surface for awhile now, and Leo had just been strict about wanting his brothers to stay below ground for awhile for their safety, but Raph had to just defy him like always. He didn't want to be cooped up down here anymore; he was restless, and he had blown his top at Leo for trying to stop him. Words turned into angry yells and then the fight turned physical.

Leo had a big bruise on his right cheek from being punched by Raph, and a good long cut on his left leg from one of his sais that would needed stitches.

After realizing what he had done, Raphael stormed out of the lair, leaving Leonardo in a growing pool of his own blood. It was Mikey who discovered his eldest brother in this precarious state a half an hour later, and half carried, half dragged him all the way to Don's lab before locking himself in his room; he hated when his brothers fought till the point one of them almost bled to death, and most of the time, it was Leo who ended up that condition.

In Don's lab, the genius started stitching up Leo's leg with extreme care. He had grown accustomed to these situations with the passing of the years, but it still pained him, especially for Mikey, who was still vulnerable.

The silence in the lab was getting uncomfortable, and Leo needed to do something to help keep his mind off the pain of the needle being threaded in and out of his leg.

"I know Raph likes to go off and blow off steam when he gets mad, but I wish he didn't have to defy me so much." Leo started the conversation.

Don was on a stool as he bent over his brother's leg, stitching him up carefully. "I'm sure he'll calm down someday, Leo, but that would be more likely when we don't have to live in the sewers. But I also think there's another simpler reason why he gets so ticked off at everybody."

"And that would be?" Leo asked.

"His hormones." Don answered knowingly. "But of course, we have all been so close all our lives, and now that we're all grown up, so to speak, he just wants his own space, and his own life."

"I know he wants that, but that kind of life just isn't possible for us, Donny. You know what we are." Leo said.

"I know. But we just can't help wanting it." Don finished Leo's last stitch. "Now be careful on that leg, and no training for a week, Leo. Or you'll tear the stitches and make things worse for you." Don said sternly, as he began bandaging Leo's leg as well.

"I hate it when I can't train, and yes, I promise to be careful, Donny." Leo said. "I just wish Raph would also try to think about his actions before he reacts. Like what he did to me not too long ago." Leo glanced down at his injured leg.

"Just let him have his cool off time, before you go talk to him. See if you two could work things out." Don said.

"I'll try, but it's not easy for me to just 'talk' to him, Don. That's more your department." Leo groused.

"Usually yes, Leo, but this time, it was a dispute between you and him. You two have really got to come to an understanding; or someday, he could really kill you. He's much stronger than you, and you both are greatly skilled in the ninja arts, almost masters." Don explained. "I don't want to see one of my brothers commit fratricide."

"I know, and I am determined to not let it come to that!" Leo said, and limped out of the lab, and to the dojo to meditate.


When Raph had come back from his run, he had his head cleared and was much calmer. He knew he had to find Leo and apologize. He never meant to hurt him... at least not that badly. Don and Mikey had been ticked off at Raph for hurting Leo as well; Mikey being the most affected, of course. He had cried himself to sleep, and didn't want to know anything about his hotheaded brother till the next morning. Don was also reluctant to share words with Raph, but he lectured him about the extension of Leo's wound, and informed him the latter was in the dojo.

Knowing what he had done and feeling guilty as shell, he approached Leo carefully, like a cat stalking a mouse. The leader opened his eyes as he saw his red masked brother coming towards him, guilt consuming him from the inside clearly on his face.

"Leo, I just want to apologize to ya for jumpin' at ya earlier. I just... had to get out and get some air." Raph began.

"I understand that, Raph. But with the Foot activity going on, it was just too dangerous to be going out. That's why I had to try to stop you." Leo said softly.

"I know, but as you can see, I'm not hurt. I know how to avoid being caught." Raph replied cockily.

Leo knew that Raph hated being bossed around, but as leader and his eldest brother, Leo felt it was his right to protect his younger brother. Though it seemed Raph didn't want to be protected. "This time, Raph, but some day, you may get caught and not return to us because of your rash actions." Leo tried patiently to explain to him.

"I can't help it if I get more claustrophobic down here than the rest of you. I'm an adventurous turtle." Raph replied.

"Not to mention impetuous, and a hothead." Leo added.

"Yeah, that too. I can turn into that when I don't get my air to cool down my temper." Raph said. "And again, I'm sorry, Leo."

"I'm still a bit upset with you, Raph, but I accept your apology." Leo said. He went back to meditating, while Raph went to get something to eat before bed. He knew he had training in the morning.


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city, though the Foot was at large, there was another enemy who was wanting one of the turtles: Agent Bishop.

Though he knew how valuable specimens each of the turtles were to have such good DNA for testing, he was deciding to alter one of the turtles' lives permanently. If and when the turtles might decide to try breeding with humans or other unknown mutants if he could ever reproduce successfully. The one turtle that he had in mind wouldn't be able to by the time he was done with him.

Bishop was thinking about trying to capture Raphael and try his experiment on him to see if he would react a lot more to it. He knew how the red masked turtle was very hot tempered. And he was going to change his life.

"Go out and capture me Raphael, the turtle in the red mask." Bishop ordered.

"Yes, Sir." The commando saluted smartly. A squad of others stood at the ready to get Raph whenever they could spot him. Preferably alone, but if not, then they'd make short work of any brothers with him. They took off to find him.

Bishop knew the turtle liked to be out and about, so he was sure his commandos wouldn't take too long to capture him. But the turtles were also not exactly in the yellow pages to find either. It might take some time and then, it could be the next night. And New York was also a huge city to look for one to four turtles at all, like needles in a haystack.

He would have Raphael soon enough.

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