Part 15

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A few weeks later, Donny did an ultrasound on Sara to see if she had conceived. Raph was by her side, anxious to know if Sara was now pregnant with their child.

As Don ran the probe over Sara's belly, he could see three tiny embryos on the screen. They sure had taken well.

Don smiled. "Congratulations, you two. You're going to be parents." Don said happily.

"That's great! How many?" Sara asked.

"All three that were implanted in you seem to have taken." Don said.

"Three! Three, Raph!" Sara said excitedly.

"Yeah, that's great." Raph said. He was just a little more in shock that it had worked.

"Raph, are you ok?" Don asked.

"Yeah, I'm... fine." Raph said, but then he collapsed.

"Raph!" Sara and Don cried out. Don ran forward to pick him up off the floor.

"You think it was the surprise that it worked out?" Sara asked.

"I think so. This was almost my reaction when I first found out Jenny was having my baby." Don said.

The others came running into the lab when they had heard Don and Sara's cries.

"What happened this time?" Leo asked.

"Raph just fainted when he found out that he's going to be a father." Sara said proudly.

Mikey couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Congratulations, Sara!" Kayla, Jenny, and Melanie ran forward and hugged her.

Don had now placed Raph on another cot in the lab so he could come out of his shock on his own. Sara would stay with him.

Leo and Mikey also wanted to congratulate Raph, but they would have time to do it later.

"How many did you see, Donny?" Leo asked.


"Boy, Raph did better than we did!" Mikey stated, giving a bemused smile.

"Well, we didn't know if any would take at all, so we had to implant more than one, Mikey." Sara said.

"Well, I'm glad for you both that this succeeded." Leo said.

"Thanks, Leo. And I do want to thank you for wanting to help us both before now, but it just wasn't what we wanted." Sara said.

"I know, and I am glad that you two did find a way to have children." Leo said.

"I just hope everything goes okay, because I know that having multiples is a little riskier, but I accept this choice, no matter the consequences because I love my husband." Sara declared.

Raph woke up a little while later and finally said that he was happy that they were going to have children. So Raph and Sara were now looking forward to having triplets.

A few weeks later, Sara had been sick for a long time now, but it was just the usual morning sickness thing that all her sister-in-laws had gone through in their pregnancies.

Raph tried his best to be there for Sara, to make her feel better, knowing that the morning sickness wouldn't last forever, but right now, it was hard to see that far ahead. Aside from offering or keeping her away from certain foods, there was just nothing he could really do for her.

His brothers knew how he felt about this part. They had all gone through it too; watching their wives being sick and knowing there was nothing they could do.

Since Sara's hormones were out of whack right now, there were times she was furious with Raph, and then she would take solace with any of the other women in the lair. But Sara -at times- felt so alone as well, since she wasn't going through her pregnancy at the same time as the other women.

When she was about 11 weeks along, Sara was using the bathroom when she began feeling strong cramps, and she noticed some blood.

No! This couldn't be happening!

She wanted to be checked out immediately to make sure the babies were alright.

Don did an ultrasound and saw all 3 triplets were still intact. But Jenny told her that sometimes it wasn't uncommon to have some bleeding during pregnancy either. But it should be monitored.

Sara was satisfied that it was nothing and she would keep an eye on it.

Raph had been worried when she told him, but had convinced him it was nothing.


But it wasn't nothing. Sara began to get sicker, and the cramps and bleeding got worse. She felt like she had to run to the bathroom every few minutes.

Why was this happening? She and Raph had worked too hard for this time to happen.

When the pains and bleeding didn't ease up after another week, Don and Jenny checked her again, and this time, there was some bad news.

They didn't see any babies on the screen.

"I'm so sorry, Sara. Your body has rejected the embryos." Donny said sadly.

Sara immediately broke down. Raph was with her. Jenny hugged Sara. Raph stiffened up. Why was there such bad luck for him and his wife?

After getting out of the lab, Raph held Sara to try to comfort her. They could try again, but now was not the time.


It was many weeks later now, and although Sara had recovered physically, emotionally she hadn't. Sara had stopped being sick, and had stopped bleeding. She and Raph had now accepted that getting pregnant didn't seem like an option if she was just going to miscarry.

The others were trying to coax them to try again, as Don still had some spare eggs.

"Maybe in a year or so." Sara said. She was still mourning over the ones she lost.

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