Part 10

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Once it was decided that the among the couples that were going to try to start families, the feelings of love began to make their way known all around the lair, though in the bedrooms. It mostly came from Leo, Don, and Mikey's couples though.

Raph just wasn't ready yet. He and Sara just did things together as a couple instead, but there were times of making love as well. Sara was currently on birth control so hopefully, there would be less chances of a procreation right now, in their eyes. Though from Raph, there was no chance of it happening.

Within two months of trying to have children, Jenny was the first one to conceive. Donny was real happy when he found out, if a little shocked. He wasn't sure it was going to happen, but he was more than happy that it had. His brothers and father and even human friends, Casey and April, congratulated them.

Leo, Don, and Mike, as thrilled as they were to be starting this new chapter in their lives, they felt sorry for Raph. Without his true hormones, he just wasn't into this as much as they were. They knew he and his love made love, but not as much as they did. But when he did feel ready, they knew he had no chance of becoming a father.

Raph had confessed to Don about how he felt about having children. "I just don't know if I will be a good dad." Raph said.

"It's alright. I have the same feeling too, Raph. Though I'm just worried I won't make enough time to spend with them." Don said.

"You are already on your way to becoming a father, Donny-boy." Raph said. "I'm not ready yet."

"Yeah, and I'm nervous as shell. Right now, I almost feel like Jenny is going to hurt herself over everything right now. I also want to just support her the right way through all of this." Don said.

"She'll be fine, I'm sure. You'll be her doctor, and the other girls' doctor too, right?" Raph asked.

"I know I can do mine, but the others I'm not sure about. If Leo and Mikey would even let me get near them when it came time to give birth."

"If you're going to be the doctor, they don't have a choice, unless April does it."

"We have some time to work it out." Don said. "I just hope nothing goes wrong."

Despite the love making, patrols and training still had to go on. The boys were all making sure that enemies were kept at bay. And there had been that warning to Bishop those few years ago, and though he still made trouble for other people, at least he hadn't made trouble for them since Leo had promised his threat against him. They were just glad that he hadn't found out about their girlfriends. Bishop hadn't wanted any of them to produce children, and with the exception of Raph, it looked like Bishop wouldn't get his wish.

A month later, Kayla became pregnant. Congratulations were given to Mikey.

There were two pregnant women in the lair now.

When he wasn't busy giving attention to Jenny, Donatello was working very hard on making the security system surrounding the lair very secure. With babies on the way, it was more important than ever that they had great security.

A few weeks later, Melanie was pregnant too. Leo was more than proud of this accomplishment.

The 3 girls were all happy that they weren't going through this alone. Sara just wished she could join in on their miracles, and hoped that she could convince Raph soon to begin their own family.


Several months flew by and Don and Jenny became the first parents of their family. Jenny gave birth to a baby girl. They named her Shelia. She was a lighter olive color, and she had some small golden hair on her head from her mom.

Then, it was Mikey and Kayla's turn. A little girl too. She was named Annie. She was lighter than Mikey, but it was nearly the same color. She had some red hairs on her head from her mom.

Next was Leo and Melanie. A boy. Leo did the honor of naming him after Master Yoshi. Master Splinter liked that. He was Leo's color and had no hair.

All the pregnancies had been the standard nine months. It had been stressful for the guys putting up with 3 pregnant women, but they had done their best to be supportive and not stress them out. They got them special gifts at times, and all three had had a baby shower at the same time.

Don had been the family doctor. Doing exams and such. The babies had shown more to look like the turtles on exams. But when it came time to give birth, the shells that had formed had made it impossible for the babies to pass normally. Don and April had done c-sections. It had been harder for him to operate on his own wife, but he was the first one to hold his own daughter after birth.

Now that all 3 babies were in the lair, Sara looked upon them like a doting aunt. That was the greatest pleasure she could have for now. She just hoped that Raph would see them and like what he saw. Then they could try to have their own.

Raph looked down at the babies with feelings of awe. He was proud of his brothers for making such fine looking children, but he wondered if he was really ready for that kind of commitment yet. Raph thought that he was going to stick it out and help out with these babies first, seeing how well he could handle them before he and Sara would try. After all, having these 3 babies was going to be a BUSY time for the whole family.

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