Part 11

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It had been a couple of years now, and the 3 babies had grown into toddlers, who were nearly into everything if they weren't being watched.

Raph and Sara still had not started trying to have a baby yet. Though the toddlers were a handful, Raph had seen how fun they were too. He was handling being an uncle real well. He helped out whenever he could.

The mothers watched the kids when their dads had to go out and patrol. But the women were not helpless either. As wives of ninjas, they had also learned the ninja arts as well.

Master Splinter was still around too. Even he knew of Raph's secret, and he felt bad for his son that unlike the other three, if he had thoughts of becoming a dad, it would never happen. He was glad for the 3 grandchildren that he had. And he was sure there were going to be more, maybe when these 3 were a little older.

The parents were wanting more kids, but yeah, they wanted to wait a few more years to enjoy their firstborns. Even toddlers were big handfuls, but thankfully, a bit more independent than infants.

Raph finally changed his mind and went to talk to Sara. He was liking his role as an uncle, but there had been times when Leo or Mikey had crossed the line to tick him off that he was not a father. He had wanted to make decisions for the kids that were more decisions meant for the fathers or mothers to make.

Raph found Sara in their bedroom on the bed reading a book. "Hey, Sara." He greeted her.

She looked up. "Hi, Raph. What's up?"

"Well, I want to talk to ya." He came over and sat down. She sat up too.

"You still feel up to having a baby?" He asked.

Her eyes lit up. "Yes. But what brought this on?"

"I'm just seeing that the kids are cute and fun, despite the messes. I see the way you look at them too. I can tell you wish one was yours." Raph said.

"I know, but I thought you weren't ready."

"I wasn't. I just wanted to get some experience with some kids before we tried becoming parents. Now that we have some experience dealing with babies and toddlers, let's have our own." Raph said happily.

Sara was more than happy to hear her lover say that. "How about, right now?" Sara said.

Raph smiled and they shut the door and made love.

Sara went off her birth control the next day.


It had now been 13 months since Sara had been off her birth control, and she was real mad. She had gotten her period again. This wasn't supposed to happen!

She and Raph had been trying for a baby for over a year, and had seen no results. The couple had not told anyone in the family they were trying because they wanted it to be a surprise.

She came out of the bathroom and sat down next to Raph on the couch. "I got my period again, Raph." She said sadly.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we just need a little more time. Sometimes it takes awhile to get it." He replied.

"I know, but for a young woman like me, I should be able to conceive easily." Sara said.

Raph was at a loss for what to do for her. What if this was meant to be? He wasn't going to be a dad at all.

After her time of the month ended, Sara knew that she might need some help. She scheduled a doctor appointment for herself to have herself examined. Raph was ok with that, as long as her doctor was a woman.

At the doctor's, some blood was taken and she was examined. Afterward, there was a game of waiting for results. A few days later, Sara was called back.

The doctor said, "Now that you have been off your birth control, your cycle has returned to normal and you are indeed ovulating, Sara."

"Then I don't get why I'm not getting pregnant." Sara said.

"It could be your husband then. You should have him come in and I can have a look at his sperm."

"Uh, no. He's a real busy man, and can't come in. He's at another place for his doctor needs. I will go with him when he does decide to go in. I'll talk to him first though." Sara said. "Thanks Doctor." She said and left the fertility clinic.

At home, Sara sat down with Raph in their room so they could talk in private.

"So?" Raph asked.

"I'm ovulating, Raph. I'm fertile." She said.

"That's good." He said.

"But the doctor was concerned that it might be you and not me, why we're not getting pregnant." Sara said.

Raph was taken aback. "Me?"

"You should have Donny take a look at you." She said.

"I almost feel its personal to have my brother lookin' at my swimmers." Raph said.

"What other choice do we have, Raph? We need some answers now."

"Alright. I see ya point." Raph said. For the time being, he and his wife just held each other.


The next day, Sara was working when Raph very nervously, made his way to Don's lab. He knocked.

"Come in." Don said.

Raph entered the lab. "Hi, Don."

"Raph, what brings you in here?" Don asked, balancing Sheila on his lap.

"It's me. And Sara." Raph said.

"Did you both fight?"

"No. It's what we're doing is where we need your help. We're- finally trying to have a baby, Donny." Raph confessed.

Don's eyes widened in shock.

"What? I want to be a dad as much as you are. And I thought you guys wanted me to be a dad too."

"It's not that. That's good that you do, Raph." Don said hesitantly.

"Sara went to the doctor and found out that she is fertile. And we've been trying for over a year. Nothing's happened. She thinks it may be me. What if it is?" Raph asked.

Don had a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry, Raph." He got up and put Sheila in her playpen. He knew it was time to reveal the cruel truth.

"For what? Sara just thinks that maybe you need to take a look at my sperm." Raph said. "Can ya give me something to do the job?"

Don sighed heavily. "Raph, it's time to finally tell you something. You need to sit down for this."

"Ok." Raph took a seat in Don's computer chair while Don was standing.

"This isn't going to be easy to say, Raph. You remember when Bishop operated on you?"

"Yes. How could I forget."

"Well, we don't know all what he did to you, but everything was left mostly intact. All but one thing. When we started noticing your behavior was changing a lot more, when I took blood samples from you, and I found out that your... testosterone levels were so low as to be non-existent." Don explained.

Raph's eyes widened in shock and confusion.

"You're sterile, Raph. Bishop neutered you." Don said reluctantly. "That's why you haven't gotten Sara pregnant."

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