Part 13

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It had been several days before Sara and Raph started to accept their situation. They had enjoyed each other's company for what seemed like a long time, but it was a bitter, depressing thought that it would only now be the two of them for the rest of their lives.

Don and Jenny were in the lab working together, while their daughter was down for a nap right now.

An idea suddenly popped into Jenny's head. "Donny, I had a thought just now." Jenny said.

Don turned to her. "About what?"

"Raph and Sara. Maybe one of us could give them a baby. Let them adopt. It could be from any one of us." Jenny said.

"I don't know if they'll like that idea. And I know I don't want to give up my babies. Not to sound mean. But I suppose a type of in vitro could work." Don said thoughtfully.

"Well, I mean, you could talk it over with Leo and Mikey, and see if they might be interested. I could talk to Mel and Kayla, and see what they think as well. And we discuss what happens. Then we'll discuss it with Raph and Sara." Jenny suggested. "I'm sure they want their brother happy."

"Yes, we all do. I'll talk it over with them later on, ok?" Don said. "But I'm just not sure if Raph could call a child his own when it would be one of ours. It probably wouldn't be the same."

"I know it wouldn't be the same, but I'm just wanting to help give them what they want." Jenny said.

"I know. And it's noble, but like I said, I don't know." Don said.


Later, Don got Leo and Mikey gathered in his lab, where he had the door closed for privacy, so that Raph and Sara were unable to hear their discussion.

"So, what do you want to talk to us about, Donny?" Mikey asked curiously.

"As you know, Raph was very upset about finding out that he was neutered. And he has been moping around ever since. He hasn't been talking to us, he's too depressed and angry right now. But what I wanted to talk to you guys about is, Jenny came up with an idea to help Raph and Sara. It sounds like a good one to me, and I don't know if Raph and Sara would go for it, but it's probably the only choice they have."

"What are you talking about Don?" Leo asked.

"Well, we are not neutered. Jenny's idea is... adoption." Don said.

Leo and Mike's eyes lit up.

"Letting them adopt one of ours." Don said.

'What do you mean, Donny?" Mikey inquired, a look of confusion on his face. "I'm not giving up Annie."

"And I'm not giving up Yoshi." Leo said.

"No, no. I mean what if one of us volunteered to have another baby and gave it to Raph and Sara? That was Jenny's idea. I'm not giving up Shelia either." Don suggested.

Leo and Mikey breathed a sigh of relief.

"I suppose that's possible." Leo agreed. "Sara could carry the baby, but who would be the father?"

"How do we decide that?" Mikey asked.

"Well, the best way to think about it is perhaps to think about who has the most in common with Raph." Don began. "Mikey, you have the closest coloring, but Leo's personality is the closest to Raph's. So I suppose it would be up to them to decide. I think Sara would want qualities like that to come from Raph."

"I might be the closest to Raph personality-wise, but I'm still not Raph, none of us are." Leo said.

"I know. But Raph doesn't have much of a choice, not if he wants a child." Don replied.

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