Part 9

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Some time had passed. It had been a few years now since Raphael's neutering. The family was doing well.

Raph was still like himself, but he was a lot calmer these days. He didn't blow up at Mikey or Leo that much as he used to before his 'cruel' operation. He had a square-shaped scar on his lower plastron from where Bishop had opened him.

Don gave Raph monthly injections of testosterone to replace what couldn't naturally be replaced. This way, he still acted nearly like his old self. He still didn't know that he had been neutered. He thought he was diabetic as to why Don gave him the shots.

Don, Leo, and Mikey were still wary of telling Raph what had happened to him.

He still loved to fight out on the streets. But these days, he had to be more careful, because he had somebody special at home that waited on him to come home every night, and didn't want him hurt. Of course, all the turtles did.

Within the last few years, all the turtles had found special girls to make them feel more complete. They had had to relocate to a new lair, as it had just become too crowded in the old lair. This one was a fairly good size. Each girl had been a rescue on the streets while on training runs or patrols.

Raph was the first one to get a girl, who was named Sara. She was 22. A tall, brown haired girl. She had brown eyes as well. She was about 5'6. She was a calm woman, but knew how to stand up for herself. Especially against Raph. She sure did know how to calm him down from his bad temper. But his temper didn't show that much about such little things anymore. When it did, it was more about something that happened on the streets, or with Leo. But Sara did give Leo a break from trying to sort out Raph's issues. She was a waitress at a restaurant, so she often had to put up with customers who said nasty things sometimes.

Sara had been told that Raph had an operation because she had asked about the scar on Raph's belly. But she had never been told the truth to what happened to him really. Raph had just told her that Bishop had tried to dissect him, and that was the story they stuck to for all this time.

Don had been the second one to get a girl. He had really liked Sara when she had first come, but Sara had liked Raph's qualities better. She was still friends with him of course. His girl was named Jennifer. She was a nurse, so she added to Don's tech world of medicine. She also loved science. Anatomy and all that. Jenny was a 5'3 blonde girl, blue eyes. She was 21.

Mikey got the next girl. She was nearly as comical as Mikey. Though compared to Mikey, the boys did find her jokes a bit more funny, as long as they weren't pranks. But she also knew how to be serious when the occasion asked for it. Her name was Kayla. She was a stand up comic. She was 22, a red head, and had blue eyes. She stood about 5'2. And though she was a comic, she also loved to watch Mikey draw his comics too. Mikey loved to share his comic books with her. The family was very happy for him to have found someone who shared his interests more.

Leo had been wary of all the girls at first, so it was no wonder that he had got the last girl. But he had been friendly to them in a gentleman like way even when he was wary of them. He trusted them all now. For awhile, he wondered if he would ever get one.

Leo's girl was named Melanie. He now called her Mel at times. She had black hair, green eyes. She was 24, and stood about 5'4. She was a spiritual healer, so Leo had found it real easy to come to like her real easily. She had such a calmness about her. She kept Leo at ease, especially if Raph would happen to make him mad, or enemies.

Now that the turtles and their girls had been together for a few years, they were now coming to a time in their lives where they were considered to be husbands and wives. And all the girls did have a fondness for kids, and were wanting to start families with their hubbies. Despite there being causes for risks, the girls loved the turtles so much that they deserved to have families and continue their family lines just like any other 'people.' They didn't care that they weren't human. To them, they were more human than the real humans of New York.

As each girl felt that they were ready to have kids, they each went to their hubbies and talked to them about how they felt about having kids with them.

Leo's reaction was a little bit of surprise, but he calmed down and said that he would love to be a dad. He did indeed want to give his own dad some grandchildren before he passed away, and Splinter really was getting up there in age.

They were a happy couple, and Mel also knew that Leo would love to have some younger students to teach. It would give him a good role as a sensei to a new generation.

Mikey was more than excited to say yes. He knew he and Kayla had much happiness to give to others, and that should also extend to a family of their own.

Donny was a bit nervous about saying yes. Not that he didn't like kids, but he was worried if he would ever have enough time for his kids, as he often got busy. "That's where I come in to tell you you're working too hard and need a break. That's when you go spend time with your kid or kids." Jenny said jokingly. "You always make time for me."

Don smiled. "That's true. Alright. If its possible, we'll give it a go." He wrapped her in his arms and hugged and kissed her.

Raphael's reaction was a bit more shocked. He was just worried if he might be to hard on any kids or something. Even though he and Sara had been together for a few years now, Raph just didn't know if he would be ready for kids for awhile.

Sara was disappointed at that answer. "We don't have to rush it right now, Raph, but could we try to have it happen in a couple of years perhaps?" She asked.

"I don't want you to be hate me, Sara. I just don't know if I would be a good dad is all. I was always rough on Mikey, and he was like a kid." Raph said.

"Yeah, well, Mikey always has been a pain, but I do agree with you there about him. But Mikey is your brother, not your son. You've been gentle with him too, like when he's hurt or been in big danger, and the same goes for all your brothers. You have a gentleness in you too. You've been like that with me since the night you saved me from those bikers in that back alley." Sara explained. "But you will need that stern side of you to be a good disciplinarian too. As parents, we both will need it."

"That's what I'm afraid of. What if I'm going to be too hard on them?" Raph said.

"We'll take it one day at a time. That's all we can do." Sara said and came up and kissed him.

"Well, alright, but for now, I just want to enjoy us just as ourselves a bit longer." Raph said and got romantic with her.

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