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As a woman,
I am not allowed to be strong without being compared to a man.
only men can be strong.
Women are meant to wait for knights in shining armor to rescue them from
demons lurking in the shadows and daylight.
We shouldn't try to fight for our independence because someone we don't know off said we are destined to only bare and raise children.

As a woman,
If I am successful in my career,
I will be likened to a man.
Women cannot be successful
as it is written in the constitution of trash talks.
The only way for it to make sense is when a successful woman is called "a man".
It is impossible for a woman with the same brain size as a man to be a genius where a man couldn't.

As a woman,
The only credit we get is when we do house chores.
If our children are geniuses, they have their father's genes.
If they are dumb, definitely took after their mother.
When the woman is responsible and independent, she is acting like a man.
As for the women who are not swayed by flimsy punchlines thrown by kids occupying an adult body,
She doesn't need a man because she is too rigid.


I decided to post maybe fifteen or more poems today. Why? The words are too beautiful and I have kept some of them hidden for over two years.

Time to show them off.


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