Trust me

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Jungkook: you said you're off this weekend. Can I steal you? 

"Tae, do we have plans this weekend"? Jimin asked as they sat across from one another at his table where they were eating dinner 

"No" he shook his head and sat down his beer "I don't think so. Why?"

"Jungkook wants to spend the weekend with me" 

"The whole weekend?" His eyes widened 

"I think so" his brows furrowed as he texted Jungkook, it only took a second for him to reply and his eyes widened "Yup, the whole weekend" 

"You'd be stupid not to go" He smiled wide at his best friend "but also, just be careful. Not everyone has good intentions"

"I'm not gullible or stupid Tae"

"No, but you are desperate. And I mean that with all of my love" 

Jimin packed a bag to last three days. Jungkook would be picking him up Friday night at seven, and bringing him back late Sunday night. He had no idea what Jungkook was planning, where they were going, or what they'd be doing. But he was excited. He even packed a notebook and pen so he could write down things he wanted to do, or keep track of what they were going to do while away. 

Work on Friday dragged on. He didn't want to be rude to his patients and he tried really hard to keep a smile on his face, but knowing that Jungkook would be meeting him at his place was driving him crazy and his skin was buzzing knowing that at the very least Jungkook would kiss him and hold his hand. 

He made sure to hug his best friend and accept a quick peck on the lips and then he was in his car rushing home to see Jungkook. 

He was expecting to see the motorcycle sitting in the parking lot so he frowned when he realized it wasn't there. Until Jungkook stepped out of a black pick up truck and waved as Jimin parked his car. 

"Ready?" Jungkook asked him as he walked towards him 

"I am. Nervous too though"

"Don't be" he smiled and leaned down to kiss Jimin's plump lips, he took the bag from Jimin and stuck it in the bed of the truck before opening the door and letting Jimin get in on the passenger side and got himself situated behind the wheel. 

They talked and laughed while they listened to music with the windows down, Jimin felt free as he stuck his hand out of the window to catch the wind while he watched the way the sun going down bounced off of Jungkook's skin and reflected off his sunglasses as he paid attention to the road. Jimin missed the few stolen glances Jungkook sent his way and the small smile that spread across his lips whenever he looked at him.

Jimin wasn't the only one who had been feeling floaty and free for the last week.

But Jungkook decided to keep that to himself. 

"Here we are" Jungkook announced as he turned down a dirt road and parked by a lake 

"Here? What is this place?" 

"Where my dad used to take me camping" 

"There's nothing back here though" he looked left and right

"That's the point" Jungkook smiled "We're going to have fun though. I promise. Trust me?"

"Okay" he smiled and nodded, letting himself trust the man he'd only met a week ago "I trust you" 


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