Where do we go?

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Jungkook woke up in the late afternoon and stretched before getting out of bed, he went to the bathroom before making his way to the kitchen for coffee, he scratched at his abs as he waited for it to brew and glanced at the clock on the stove, three pm "nice" he nodded before turning away. 

He hadn't had a good night's sleep since Sylvie's accident. It's been months, the closest he got to a good night's rest where he didn't wake up every twenty minutes was the night he held Jimin to sleep the night of the funeral. And even that was distorted. 

But, as soon as he walked into his house from dropping off Arya, he stripped down to his underwear and faceplanted right onto his bed to sleep for nineteen hours. Eight pm, to three pm. He needed it. That's for sure. 

Every night that week he'd been too nervous to let himself fall completely asleep because what if Arya woke up and he didn't hear her? What if he slipped so deep he dreamt of Sylvie getting hit by a truck and screaming as the windshield broke all over her and stabbed her skin? But, he's okay now. He feels...better. Not a lot.. definitely not perfect..but better. 

Once the coffee was done and he had his mug in hand he went to sit down and spotted the note from Jimin 

"Don't worry about the schedule, sleep well Kook ♡Min and Ry" 

Schedule? He furrowed his brows and walked to his bedroom for his phone, his eyes widened and his heart rate kicked up as his stomach tightened. Jimin needed him, and he just..slept through it all. What if it had been an emergency? What if something was wrong with Arya? Jimin isn't a legal guardian, they would've sent him away and if they couldn't get a hold of Jungkook..what if they took her? 

"Fuck" he sighed and put his hand on his forehead, he called his voice-mail. 

Apparently, Jimin hadn't meant to leave said voice-mail. He must've thought he hung up, but Jungkook heard everything. From Arya screaming and crying, to Jimin absolutely exhausted and crying to his new boss, to this guy giving him his number 

"Hey. it's okay. I promise. That's a lot for one person to keep inside. Call me. Not just with your availability,  but for anything. Don't feel like you have to go through all of this alone. I'll help you in any way I can Jimin. Okay?"

"Thank you, thank you so much" 

The doctor sounded so soft for his Jimin, and Jimin seemed so thankful that someone was willing to be there for him. 

Because Jungkook couldn't be. 

He didn't mean to let him down again, he didn't mean to make him worry, he just wanted to sleep. 

The voice-mail continued 

"Daddy loves youuu, I love daddy too, but he's a pain in the butt sometimes isn't he?" He chuckled as he talked to the baby, strapping her into the car from what Jungkook could tell "let's go check on him and make sure he's okay, god I want to kiss him and punch him at the same time" Jimin mumbled to himself as he shut the door "he better be okay or I'm gonna kill him. Of all the soulmates in the world, god blessed me with this asshole" he got in the car and shut the door "he's going to forget his own wedding, hopefully I-" the voice-mail cut off not letting Jungkook hear the rest of what Jimin had to say. 

But he was smiling. 

Jungkook: I'm so sorry, I just literally slept for 19 hours. I hope it worked out, I'll make it up to you I promise 

Jimin: don't sweat it! You needed the sleep and it all worked out, I'm pretty sure I have the job. I do still need your schedule though 

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